9 Millennial-Friendly Email Marketing Tips

9 Millennial-Friendly Email Marketing Tips

9 Millennial-Friendly Email Marketing Tips

To engage the millennial audience effectively through email marketing, we’ve gathered insights from industry experts, including growth strategists and marketing managers. From incorporating visuals and transparency to ensuring your emails come with a name, explore the nine savvy tips these professionals recommend for making your email marketing resonate with millennials.

  • Incorporate Visuals and Transparency
  • Leverage the P.S. Statement
  • Keep Emails Short and to the Point
  • Personalize Content and Optimize for Mobile
  • Emphasize Cultural Sensitivity in Content
  • Craft Irresistible Subject Lines
  • Embrace Visual Storytelling
  • Highlight Sustainability Efforts
  • Ensure Emails Have a Name Attached

Incorporate Visuals and Transparency

Studies indicate that 64% of millennials find email newsletters effective for brand connections. Notably, email is a potent channel, influencing the purchase decisions of 50.7% of millennial customers. So, here are three elements that you can implement to make your email more millennial-friendly.

First and foremost, visuals are crucial for marketing, no matter your audience, so here’s where we’ll start. Focus on visually engaging content that both grabs attention and is authentic. Millennials care about a business’s values, so keep consistent and transparent.

Also, ensure that your emails are mobile-friendly. The majority of millennials tend to check their emails before their workday and much prefer email marketing compared to other channels. Optimize the design for smaller screens.

Finally, create a strong call to action that prompts millennials to take immediate and clear steps. Whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for an event, or sharing content on social media, a compelling CTA enhances engagement and encourages action.

Michaella MastersMichaella Masters
Growth Strategist, Codific

Leverage the P.S. Statement

One tip for making your email marketing more millennial-friendly is to creatively utilize the P.S. statement. Millennials, known for their quick consumption of content, often skim emails. A compelling postscript at the end of your emails can catch their attention and deliver a punchy, memorable message.

Use this space for your most important call to action, a special discount code, or an intriguing piece of information. This not only revives interest but also adds a personal touch, making it more likely for millennials to engage with your content and take the desired action.

Jaya IyerJaya Iyer
Marketing Manager, Teranga Digital Marketing LTD

Keep Emails Short and to the Point

Do you want to appeal to millennials with your email marketing? Here’s a great piece of advice: Make sure it’s brief, sharp, and visually appealing!

Emails should be concise and effective because millennials value material that is short and to the point. Create compelling subject lines that will make readers curious and want to click through. Remember to include visually stimulating content in your emails, such as pictures or videos, to increase reader engagement and sharing. These pointers can help you draw in millennials and increase the exposure and interaction of your business.

Simon BriskSimon Brisk
Founder and SEO Strategist, Click Intelligence

Personalize Content and Optimize for Mobile

One tip I can offer is to personalize your content and make it relevant to their interests and preferences. Millennials value authenticity and personalized experiences, so tailoring your email campaigns to their specific needs can significantly improve engagement. Segment your email list based on demographics, behaviors, or preferences, and create targeted content that resonates with each segment.

Incorporate dynamic content, such as personalized recommendations or exclusive offers, to make the emails feel more personalized and relevant. Another thing to keep in mind is to make sure that your emails are mobile-friendly, as millennials heavily rely on mobile devices for email consumption.

By personalizing your content and optimizing for mobile, you can make your email marketing more appealing and effective for millennial audiences.

Travis WillisTravis Willis
Director of Customer Success, Aspire

Emphasize Cultural Sensitivity in Content

Don’t be a tone-deaf brand. Millennials care about societal issues, so do your best to be culturally sensitive. This is just one of the steps needed to make them loyal customers. You may not be particularly memorable to them at first, but accidentally rolling out controversial content may prove to be detrimental to all future marketing efforts, even beyond their inbox.

Kristel KongasKristel Kongas
CMO, Inboxy OÜ

Craft Irresistible Subject Lines

Crafting irresistible subject lines is pivotal for effective, millennial-friendly email marketing. Engaging headlines capture attention instantly, ensuring your message stands out in cluttered inboxes.

Create subject lines that resonate with the millennial mindset, offering value and relevance. Tailor them to spark curiosity, driving recipients to open emails eagerly. This approach aligns with millennials’ preference for succinct, compelling content that adds immediate value to their lives.

By adopting this strategy, your emails become more than just messages; they become invitations to discover valuable insights, promotions, or opportunities. This straightforward and results-oriented technique enhances the likelihood of your emails being noticed and acted upon in the fast-paced digital landscape, aligning with millennials’ desire for efficiency and meaningful interactions.

Kate ChervenKate Cherven
Marketing Specialist, United Site Services

Embrace Visual Storytelling

The number-one way I make my email marketing content truly millennial-friendly is by embracing visual storytelling through dynamic mediums versus long blocks of text.

Our generation consumes information faster on mobile with limited attention spans. Though I love writing comprehensive side-hustle guides, cramming that much heavy copy into inboxes simply doesn’t compel or retain millennials.

Instead, I focus my subscriber communications on punchy money stats paired with vibrant graphics, optimizing for small screens. I also thread bite-sized side-hustle advice across mini-series emails, building anticipation rather than overloaded one-offs.

The key is conveying financial education visually through easily “skimmable” formats, relying more on strong imagery versus dense paragraphs. Striking graphics, minimalist formatting, and transparency are essentials.

Since tailoring my newsletters for millennial consumption habits, click-through rates have doubled. Remember, writing less while spotlighting visuals makes all the difference for modern audiences. Putting legibility and creativity first resonates much stronger!

Brian MeiggsBrian Meiggs
Founder, My Millennial Guide

Highlight Sustainability Efforts

Millennials are socially conscious consumers who frequently choose brands that are committed to sustainability and social responsibility. In your email campaigns, highlight your brand’s environmentally-friendly methods, ethical sourcing, and community involvement. Share stories about your activities and relationships that help make the world a better place.

By demonstrating your commitment to making a positive difference, you’re more likely to connect with millennials, who actively seek brands that share their beliefs.

Adam CrosslingAdam Crossling
Marketing and New Business Director, Zenzero

Ensure Emails Have a Name Attached

We have to consider that many millennials have encountered an array of spam- and virus-laden emails during the internet’s heyday. They’re more cautious when it comes to opening emails, particularly from senders they’re unfamiliar with.

One vital tip for making your email marketing friendly for millennials is to ensure your email campaign appears genuine and personal. This can be achieved by using a legitimate email with a domain name, preferably one that includes the name of an employee.

For example, company emails starting with ‘info@’ often appear impersonal and are therefore more likely to be dismissed or even flagged as spam. By incorporating a personal touch to your email campaigns, you can build trust and rapport among millennial customers.

David Rubie-ToddDavid Rubie-Todd
Co-Founder and Marketing Head, Sticker It

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Don’t End Up in the Spam Folder: 10 Subject Line Mistakes to Avoid

Don't End Up in the Spam Folder: 10 Subject Line Mistakes to Avoid

Don’t End Up in the Spam Folder: 10 Subject Line Mistakes to Avoid

Navigating the treacherous waters of email marketing requires knowing what not to do, especially for crafting that critical subject line. We’ve gathered insights from copywriters and content marketing managers, among others, to pinpoint the top ten subject line missteps that could doom your emails to the spam folder. From avoiding salesy language to skipping dollar signs or mentions of cost, here’s what the experts have to say.

  • Leading with Salesy Words
  • Utilizing All-Caps Text
  • Writing with Spammy Words
  • Adding Exclamation Marks
  • Using Vague, Irrelevant Language
  • Leaving Your Subject Line Incomplete
  • Misleading with the “RE” Prefix
  • Not Naming the Recipient
  • Aggravating with False Urgency
  • Including Dollar Signs or Cost

Leading with Salesy Words

Since teaming up with Michelle Paulhus, our E-Commerce & Retention Director (aka guru of all things e-commerce and email), we agreed to ditch the salesy subject lines.

We keep them short, sweet, and just plain fun—sometimes riffing on a joke that pays off in the newsletter, asking a ridiculous question, or something that seems random but sparks curiosity in the email. Keep them fresh, fun, and full of surprises!

Madeline Soules
Copywriter, OLIPOP

Utilizing All-Caps Text

I’ve written thousands of content pieces online since 2011, and one of several things that has helped me stand out from the rest is avoiding capital letters and exclamation marks. I’m guilty of it too. I used to add exclamation marks to look cool.

The same applies to email subject lines as well. People have short attention spans, and when they see capital letters in subject lines, it sure gets them to pay attention, but it also raises red flags. I’ve never opened an email with all-caps subject lines.

Imagine me writing this in all caps or title case with an exclamation mark!

Shubham DaveyShubham Davey
SEO Copywriter Growing Blogs Organically, Prachar Max

Writing with Spammy Words

A critical mistake is using spammy words in subject lines. These words can trigger spam filters, causing your emails to be missed by your audience and harming your sender reputation.

Words like “free,” “guarantee,” and “limited-time offer” are common culprits. Steering clear of these terms not only helps your emails reach inboxes but also maintains your brand’s credibility. Crafting engaging yet straightforward subject lines without these triggers is key to successful email deliverability and maintaining a positive relationship with your audience.

Marco Genaro PalmaMarco Genaro Palma
Content Marketing Manager, PRLab

Adding Exclamation Marks

I know you might be excited to tell us some news, but anything with all caps tends to push emails directly into the spam folder, rendering your excitement null and void. In addition, emails that break through the spam filter with an all-caps subject line receive a reply 30% less often than those that do not.

Tied together is the use of exclamation points. Digital marketers like to create a sense of urgency so users feel the urge to open their emails, but the combination of all caps and exclamation points will send your emails directly to the spam filter.

Garrett CarlsonGarrett Carlson
Content Marketing Manager, The Loop Marketing

Using Vague, Irrelevant Language

I receive this a lot: “Sorry I missed your email,” says the person who responded three weeks later.

One email subject line mistake that could send an email directly to the spam folder is using vague or irrelevant subject lines, such as “Sorry I missed your email” or “Following Up.” These subject lines may not catch the recipient’s attention and could easily be mistaken for spam, causing the email to be deleted or sent directly to the junk folder.

For me, this is one of the most frustrating email mistakes. Not only does it waste my time and clutter my inbox, but it also shows a lack of professionalism and consideration for others’ time. If a marketer thinks that “Sorry I missed your email” is a suitable subject line, they may not have taken the time to understand their audience and tailor their message accordingly.

If you want to be successful in email marketing, put yourself in your recipient’s shoes. Would you open an email with such a vague and uninteresting subject line? Probably not.

Eric EngEric Eng
Founder and CEO, Private College Admissions Consultant, AdmissionSight

Leaving Your Subject Line Incomplete

An empty or incomplete subject line may be considered suspicious by spam filters. Sometimes the subject line gets missed, or is sent only half-completed when you’re busy and trying to do multiple things at once.

Always provide a clear and concise subject that reflects the content of your email. I also recommend leaning into automation to help you when it comes to having emails prepared and ready to go, and to always proofread and double-check your email before sending it out.

Aaron Davis, CEO and Co-Founder, Exploration

Misleading with the “RE” Prefix

I was clearing my spam box a couple of weeks ago and noticed at least five email subject lines beginning with “RE.” The sender was probably trying to trick me into thinking this was an ongoing conversation, so I would click on their email.

This triggered my curiosity. Does Gmail’s spam filter automatically filter out email subject lines that start with “RE?”

When I looked at their guidelines, it says that the spam filter will get rid of misleading emails. This means that using “RE” in subject lines shows spam filters that you’re trying to trick the recipient.

Scott LiebermanScott Lieberman
Owner, Touchdown Money

Not Naming the Recipient

One surefire way to get your emails caught by the most basic spam filter is not customizing your subject lines at all. If you have your contact’s name or business name, include them in the email subject to make your emails more unique and look less like spam.

Justin SilvermanJustin Silverman
Founder and CEO, Merchynt

Aggravating with False Urgency

There’s a long list of words and phrases that will sweep your message into the spam folder before your reader ever gets to view it. These phrases typically have to do with creating false urgency (act now!) or false promises (100% free). Spam filters are imperfect, and sometimes they can bury legitimate offers out of caution, but they reduce the risk of fraud or harm to the reader. So, consider your word choice before you hit send. You don’t want your business to get lumped in with any shady activity.

Even if your email isn’t automatically sorted into spam, your subject line could earn you a one-way ticket out of your reader’s inbox if you’re not careful. With so many people feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of messages they receive, a little empathy can go a long way. Instead of writing subject lines that ask your reader to spend or take action, consider how your email can help solve a problem they’re facing. Demonstrating that you understand your audience can make your emails more relevant and less expendable.

Ashley LaabsAshley Laabs
Thought Leadership Coach and LinkedIn Ghostwriter, Composure Digital

Including Dollars Signs or Cost

As an Enterprise SaaS sales rep, I’m well-versed in bypassing spam filters after sending tens of thousands of automated cold emails, and hundreds of personalized cold emails over the past several years.

Google will flag anything that mentions price or cost as going directly to spam. Dollar signs ($$$), “FREE” in capital letters, “Act now,” “Buy Now!!!,” “100% discount,” or anything with excessive punctuation and/or urgency will send you straight to email jail.

How do I know? I’ve A/B tested all the above phrases, and similar variations, in different cadences, from different email domains. And any time I’ve tested any subject line with even a hint of urgency, the open rates are abysmal.

My advice is to keep your subject line low-friction and low-pressure, and relevant to whatever email it is that you’re sending. At one company I worked for, out of all the different subject lines we tested and tried, the best-performing one was “Intro.” Sometimes simplicity is best!

Adam PurvisAdam Purvis
Founder, AdamJohnPurvis.com

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12 Email Marketing Terms Every Marketer Should Know

12 Email Marketing Terms Every Marketer Should Know

12 Email Marketing Terms Every Marketer Should Know

In the ever-evolving world of email marketing, twelve industry leaders, including CMOs and founders, share their insights on terms that can make a significant difference in your campaigns. From the strategic use of A/B testing for email success to the importance of email list hygiene practices, this article unveils the less-common email marketing knowledge that can set you apart. Discover why these terms matter and how they can enhance your marketing strategy.

  • A/B Testing
  • CAN-SPAM Act
  • Graymail
  • Honeypots
  • Personalization Tokens
  • List Churn
  • Parasite Emails
  • Cost per Mile
  • Bacn
  • Permission Marketing
  • Throttling
  • Email List Hygiene

A/B Testing

A/B testing, or split testing, is becoming a less-used and more obscure email marketing term, given the rise and incorporation of AI, but I believe it’s one more marketers need to know and utilize.

It’s a vital tool for improving and optimizing your email marketing results. Whether you’re testing list segmentation responsiveness, subject line strength, or click-through button text, it’s an excellent tool to test the strength of arguably every part of your email marketing strategy and increase your chances of success.

Robert FoneyRobert Foney
CMO, Healthmetryx , Inc.


The CAN-SPAM Act is a less commonly known yet vital piece of legislation for every marketer to understand. Standing for “Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act,” this U.S. law sets rules for commercial emails, establishing requirements for commercial messages and giving recipients the right to stop any emails from being sent to them.

Understanding this law isn’t just about legal compliance; it’s about respect for your audience’s boundaries and earning their trust. Ignorance of CAN-SPAM can lead to costly fines, but more importantly, it can damage your brand’s reputation.

Understanding CAN-SPAM also allows for more effective email marketing strategies. The law requires all commercial emails to include a clear and noticeable unsubscribe link, allowing recipients to easily opt out of future emails. By giving your audience this choice, you are showing respect for their time and preferences, resulting in a more engaged and loyal subscriber base.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency


One less common email marketing term that warrants more attention is graymail. Not to be confused with spam, graymail refers to legitimate emails that a recipient has opted to receive but doesn’t engage with, either due to lack of interest or overwhelming volume. Graymail can hurt a campaign’s overall performance metrics and deliverability because email providers may begin to categorize these messages as low-value or spammy.

By monitoring and managing graymail, marketers can improve their email performance and ensure their content reaches the inboxes of engaged and interested recipients.

Justin ColeJustin Cole
President and SEO Strategist, Tested Media


A term not many email marketers talk about, but should know, is honeypot. Think of it like a decoy email address that anti-spam groups set up. When a spammer finds and emails this address, they get tagged as a spammer. This is important because if you’re not careful about where you get your email addresses from, you could be at risk. Maybe you got a fake email from a bot, swapped lists with someone, or grabbed emails from websites. That’s where you might accidentally hit a honeypot.

Though honeypots are mainly for catching spammers, they can be used for other stuff too. Sometimes they’re old email accounts that aren’t active anymore. If a spammer sends to these, they get flagged. But honeypots aren’t all about trapping bad guys. They can actually help with security. They’re like lookouts, spotting troublemakers on networks.

Honeypots give email marketers information they can use and act like an early alert system. They come in various types, all aiming to spot and stop problems before your network or systems get hit.

Alan RedondoAlan Redondo
Founder, Ardoz Digital

Personalization Tokens

From my perspective, personalization tokens are a lesser-known email marketing term that deserves more attention. These are dynamic placeholders in emails that automatically insert individualized information, like the recipient’s name or location.

Personalization tokens make emails feel more tailored and engaging. Marketers should use them creatively to boost open rates and click-through rates. When subscribers see their name in the subject line or content, it grabs their attention, fostering a sense of connection and relevance.

Danielle RobertsDanielle Roberts
Co Founder, Boomer Benefits

List Churn

We send emails (as newsletters) to our audience, and the less-common term that most marketers don’t know is List Churn. List churn measures the rate at which subscribers join and leave your email list over time.

This term is important because it highlights the need to maintain a healthy email list by continually adding engaged subscribers and removing inactive or disinterested ones. High list churn can negatively impact email engagement and deliverability.

Bhavik SarkhediBhavik Sarkhedi
Growth Head and CMO, Content Whale

Parasite Emails

I have been using this term as it relates to parasite SEO. It is when a business pays another, larger company with a bigger subscriber list to include them as part of their email campaign. Normally, you would go with a similar industry so that the business’s offering fits the rest of the email content they are sending.

Jeff MichaelJeff Michael
Ecommerce Business Owner, Supplement Warehouse

Cost per Mile

Cost per Mile (CPM) doesn’t involve the expense of transporting goods or people over a distance—well, not in the email marketing realm, at least. Here, the term refers to the cost of sending a thousand emails. Or, in marketing generally, it stands for the cost of one thousand impressions or views of a particular advertisement.

CPM empowers email marketers to evaluate the cost efficiency of their campaigns on a per-thousand-email basis, providing insights into the overall cost structure. This, in turn, enhances the precision of budget planning and cost estimation, helping allocate resources in a well-informed way.

Moreover, CPM can also be useful for comparing the cost of email campaigns with other advertising channels that use CPM as a pricing model. And these are good reasons for email marketers to know the term and use it as a metric in evaluating their campaigns.

Nina PaczkaNina Paczka
Community Manager, Resume Now


Bacn (pronounced like “bacon”) is a less common but important email marketing term. It refers to non-spam emails that, while not entirely unsolicited, can flood a user’s inbox. The term highlights the challenge of finding the right balance between email frequency and relevance.

Marketers need to understand that such emails are often the result of user interactions with websites, subscriptions, or services. It’s crucial for marketers to focus on delivering content that is not only expected but also relevant and valuable to enhance engagement and prevent irritation among recipients.

By recognizing and addressing Bacn, marketers can refine their strategies, improve audience segmentation, and ensure their emails are seen as welcome content in inboxes, thus building positive relationships and boosting email engagement and deliverability.

Brad FilliponiBrad Filliponi
Co-Founder, BoxBrownie.com

Permission Marketing

The term permission marketing is one that more marketers need to know.

I’ve seen a lot of other terms like “inbound marketing,” “content marketing,” and “social media marketing.” Those are all great terms, but they aren’t the ones that can help you get more conversions out of your email campaigns.

While those other types of marketing might be great for getting more people to your website or social media pages, they don’t necessarily help you convert those visitors into paying customers.

Permission marketing is different because it focuses on giving people who have already expressed interest in your product something they want—and then asking them if they want more.

Looking to increase engagement with your email campaigns? I recommend using permission marketing. It’s easier than ever today because there are so many tools available that make it easy for anyone to set up their own permission-based email list with little effort and even less cost!

Mac SteerMac Steer
Owner and Director, Simify


Throttling is a term in email marketing that’s really important for all email marketers to understand. It’s when you send out emails in large batches, not all at once. This helps ensure more emails actually reach people.

When I use throttling, I send emails in groups over time. This way, it doesn’t overwhelm email servers, and it reduces the chance of emails being marked as spam. It’s important because it helps make sure more people actually see our emails. Sending too many emails at once can cause problems, like bouncing back or getting blocked.

By spreading out the sending, we can monitor how well the emails are performing and make adjustments if needed. This strategy really helps improve the chances of our emails being read, which is key in email marketing.

Precious AbacanPrecious Abacan
Marketing Director, Softlist

Email List Hygiene

Email List Hygiene is a less common but crucial term in email marketing. It refers to regularly cleaning and maintaining your email subscriber list by removing invalid or disengaged addresses. This practice is vital for several reasons.

Keeping a clean list enhances your sender reputation and ensures your emails reach the inbox.

Removing inactive contacts saves money on email marketing services. Cleaning your list leads to higher engagement and open rates as you target a more responsive audience, and it also helps meet GDPR and CAN-SPAM Act requirements by respecting user preferences.

Remember, clean lists provide accurate data for better targeting and content relevance.

Lenna ZitterLenna Zitter
Founder, Magellanic Digital

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How Email Marketing Can Drive Traffic to Your Blog

How Email Marketing Can Drive Traffic to Your Blog

How Email Marketing Can Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Twelve industry leaders, from founders to CEOs, have shared their exclusive tips on using email marketing to drive blog traffic. From curating weekly roundup emails to gaining insights from competitors’ emails, discover a spectrum of proven strategies that can transform your email campaigns into traffic-generating machines.

  • Curate Weekly Roundup Emails
  • Leverage Trending Topics
  • Intrigue with Teaser Snippets
  • Segment Audience for Festive Promos
  • Craft Relevant Conversational Emails
  • Share Unique Content Snippets
  • Feature Blog Content with Direct Links
  • Optimize Newsletter Timing
  • Engage with Email Series
  • Offer Helpful Advice, Avoid Sales Pitches
  • Personalize for Clear Email Messages
  • Gain Insights from Competitors’ Emails

Curate Weekly Roundup Emails

One highly effective email marketing strategy I’ve used for my personal finance blog is to send a weekly roundup email that summarizes and links to my best content from the past week.

The key is to make the email valuable to subscribers by curating only my most useful articles and insights. I craft attention-grabbing yet informative subject lines to get readers to open the email. Within the email, I include 3-5 brief summaries of blog posts, each with an eye-catching title and 1-2 sentences summarizing the key takeaways.

This works well because it provides readers with a convenient way to catch up on my latest content in one place. According to my email metrics, the weekly roundup has one of the highest open and click-through rates of any email I send. Many readers have told me they look forward to receiving it in their inbox each week. This email strategy has been a core part of growing my audience and traffic over the past year.

Brian MeiggsBrian Meiggs
Founder, My Millennial Guide

Leverage Trending Topics

Capitalizing on trending topics related to your niche is an effective strategy. For instance, if you run a tech blog and there’s a buzz about the latest iPhone, writing a comprehensive review or a related article and promoting it in your newsletter can be beneficial.

This strategy works because people are actively searching for that topic, and when they see an email related to it, they’re more likely to click through to read. I’ve used this tactic many times, and it consistently drives high traffic to my blog. The key here is relevance—your topic must resonate with your audience’s current interests.

David Rubie-ToddDavid Rubie-Todd
Co-Founder and Marketing Head, Sticker It

Intrigue with Teaser Snippets

One effective tactic I use is including “teaser” snippets of my latest blog content in email newsletters. For example, I’ll take an interesting excerpt from a new post—two to three sentences maximum—and feature it in a prominent callout box. This piques readers’ interest without giving everything away.

I’ll include a strong CTA, like “Finish reading this post on our blog,” with a link to drive clicks to the full article. Segmenting my list allows me to tailor content previews to subscriber interests for higher engagement. Using this teaser copy in dedicated blog promo emails, as well as in my regular newsletters, boosts traffic.

Over time, I’ve discovered my most compelling hook sentences that spur readers to click through. This strategy has become a reliable channel for driving newsletter subscribers to visit and share my blog posts. Dialing in on intriguing content previews helps turn email followers into blog readers.

Vikrant ShauryaVikrant Shaurya
CEO, Authors On Mission

Segment Audience for Festive Promos

At Connect Vending, we use audience segmentation to share curated, conversational, and bite-sized information through email marketing for maximum impact. The goal is to impress the reader adequately and encourage them to find more information about the topic with a clear CTA that takes them to the blog.

For example, as the festive season sets in, we initiate email campaigns giving a sneak peek into the best snacks and drinks to add to the workplace and invite readers to view our top picks on our website blogs. This approach has helped us build sustained interest in many festival season offerings and products.

Sam RobertsSam Roberts
Digital Marketing Manager, Connect Vending

Craft Relevant Conversational Emails

Emails and newsletters are an essential part of my content distribution strategy. I have seen the most engaged traffic coming to the blog via email. Therefore, when planning the content schedule and topics, I keep relevance at the top of my mind. This way, I can discuss these topics in the email content and make it conversational, not forced.

When creating blog content, I ensure that some of the blog articles are in-depth, comprehensive, and evergreen. I can redirect traffic to these blog posts even months or years after publishing. The frequent visitors of the blog can use these as guides, and new users are immediately directed to the most popular and insightful posts.

Another part of the blog content is extremely timely—must-read at that point. Users know to expect these types of posts and look forward to the emails to read the latest ones.

Merilyn UudmaeMerilyn Uudmae
Content Manager, Teamdash

Share Unique Content Snippets

Whenever I publish a new blog post, I send a short snippet to my email subscribers. In this snippet, I tell them what we’re discussing in our article, how our article is unique, and what they can take away from it. Think of it as a 50-word blog post.

This plays out in two ways: The reader either wants to learn more, so they view our full blog post, or they read our email snippet, gain some knowledge from it, and we build a reputation in the reader’s mind as an authority.

This only works if the content you’re publishing is truly unique and helpful, but personally, I drove over 5,000 unique visitors to my blog with this email marketing approach.

Scott LiebermanScott Lieberman
Owner, Touchdown Money

Feature Blog Content with Direct Links

Highlighting blog content can be a powerful way to drive traffic to our blog via email marketing. We try to regularly feature our blog content in our emails by using teasers or summaries to pique interest and include prominent links that direct readers to the full blog posts on our website. Direct links are key, as they encourage our customers to click on them and explore.

Adding social sharing buttons in the emails makes it easy for subscribers to share our blog content on their social networks. This extends the reach of our blog beyond our email list, which means more eyes on your content.

Renan FerreiraRenan Ferreira
Head of Communications and Director of Sales, RealCraft

Optimize Newsletter Timing

Sending newsletters at the right time is very important in email marketing and is key to effectively driving traffic to your blog. I’ve learned that when and how often you send emails really matters for your newsletter’s success. You don’t want to fill up your subscribers’ inboxes too much—they’re already busy. If you send too many newsletters, people might start unsubscribing fast.

With the “right timing,” ‌sending emails between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. usually gets the most people opening them. But the best time can be different for different audiences. So, I recommend monitoring how your newsletter is doing. This means checking when people open your emails and click on links in them.

Keep track of these rates and adjust your sending times as your audience gets bigger. This helps make sure more people are reading and clicking even as you get more subscribers.

Alan RedondoAlan Redondo
Founder, Ardoz Digital

Engage with Email Series

Break up your emails into different parts or series, each with different information. The first part can be a quick introduction to the blog; the second can detail what they will gain from the blog; the third part can explain why they should read it; and so on. Three to four parts should be sufficient.

This strategy has worked wonderfully for us in increasing the number of visitors to our blogs. Customers might ignore a standalone email, but with a series of emails, there’s a higher chance they’ll open them to see what they’re about. Sending each email at a certain interval ensures they’re not forgotten. Just make sure the title is intriguing and generates curiosity about what they will receive and why, so they know it’s to their benefit, and include the link to the blog.

Ravi SharmaRavi Sharma
Founder and CEO, Webomaze

Offer Helpful Advice, Avoid Sales Pitches

When sending emails, provide helpful advice and avoid focusing on sales pitches. On your blog, share DIY tips and a wealth of information about your niche to attract traffic. Optimize your blog content for SEO to attract more traffic, shares, reposts, and backlinks.

Tammy SonsTammy Sons
CEO, TN Nursery

Personalize for Clear Email Messages

My pro tip for effective email marketing is to ensure the clarity of the message within a personalized framework.

We must understand that our customers have limited time, so our message should be concise and impactful. In reinventing our partners’ email campaigns, we blend interactive elements, such as countdowns, with brand-aligned graphic designs, ensuring responsiveness across various platforms.

We have also integrated multilingual adaptations, respecting language variations, including reading directions, characters, and more. This strategy has proven itself by providing a more personal experience, engaging customers in their next discovery on our partners’ websites.

Gabriel KaamGabriel Kaam
CEO, KNR Agency

Gain Insights from Competitors’ Emails

Subscribing to your competitors’ emails is a specific tip for using email marketing to drive traffic to your blog. At TechNews, this strategy has provided incredible insights. By tracking their topics, frequency, automation strategies, and other features, you get a clear picture of what works in your industry. It’s akin to being a friendly spy, allowing you to see firsthand what engages their audience and then adapt those strategies to fit your unique style and content.

This approach has proven quite successful. Observing our competitors has allowed us to refine our email content, making it more relevant and engaging. We’ve adjusted our sending frequency based on what resonates with similar audiences, which has increased our email open rates and significantly boosted traffic to our blog. It’s a simple yet effective way to stay competitive and ensure your email marketing is as effective as possible.

Neil Hodgson-CoyleNeil Hodgson-Coyle
COO, TechNews180

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Related Articles

7 Things You Didn’t Know Email Marketing Automation Could Do for You

7 Things You Didn’t Know Email Marketing Automation Could Do for You

7 Things You Didn’t Know Email Marketing Automation Could Do for You

To shed light on the unexpected benefits of email marketing automation, we’ve gathered insights from seven industry professionals, including CEOs and Digital Marketing Managers. From the enhancement of communication through sentiment analysis to the improvement of conversions with a “warm leads” list, discover the surprising capabilities of email marketing automation.

  • Effective Tagging Helps Segment Subscribers
  • Sentiment Analysis Enhances Communication
  • Personalization Boosts Engagement and Conversions
  • Monitoring Customer Preferences Increases Sales
  • Reminders Reduce Cart Abandonment
  • Cross-Selling Campaigns Skyrocket Profits
  • “Warm Leads” List Improves Conversions

Effective Tagging Helps Segment Subscribers

I discovered how to use “tags” to exclude some subscribers from certain messaging, which made my email campaigns much more effective and easier to keep track of. Before implementing tags, there were a few times where I sent new subscribers random broadcasts that weren’t very relevant to them, likely resulting in a few unsubscribes.

Now, I automatejust tagging subscribers after they’ve completed the welcome sequence, and I only send new broadcasts to the segment of people who’ve completed the entire sequence. I understand the annoyance of receiving too many emails from the same sender, especially with no real context, so I was pleased to see how easy it was to set up the automation.

Chloe BrittainChloe Brittain
Creator, Monday Roadmap

Sentiment Analysis Enhances Communication

Adding sentiment analysis to our email marketing and editing tools has enhanced our interaction with our audience. It helps us understand the nuances of their responses to better tailor the follow-up messages. In this way, we do our part in bridging the gap between automated efficiency and mindful communication, and elevate our members’ online experience.

Nataly Abousaleh, Marketing Manager

Personalization Boosts Engagement and Conversions

One aspect of email marketing automation that I initially underestimated was its potential for personalization. When I incorporated email marketing automation into our strategies at CodeDesign, I discovered how remarkably it could enhance personalization and its subsequent impact.

Email marketing automation allowed us to segment our audience based on their behavior, interests, and demographics. This enabled us to send highly targeted and relevant content to each segment. The result was a substantial increase in engagement, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversions. By tailoring our messages to individual preferences and behaviors, we achieved a level of personalization that significantly boosted the effectiveness of our email marketing campaigns.

The power of email marketing automation in personalization cannot be overstated. It has not only improved our campaign performance but also fostered stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

Bruno GavinoBruno Gavino
Founder, CEO, CodeDesign

Monitoring Customer Preferences Increases Sales

I didn’t know email-marketing automation could monitor what products my customers are most attracted to. When I did this, I found out that these same customers who opened my “Tech Gadgets” emails clicked more smartphone-related links than others.

Therefore, I began writing more letters on smartphones, and my sales for these products really grew. Understanding more about a customer’s preferences enabled me to tailor my emails towards each interest and resulted in more sales of certain products, which made my marketing strategy efficient.

Fahad KhanFahad Khan
Digital Marketing Manager, Ubuy India

Reminders Reduce Cart Abandonment

It’s no secret that most people who visit your website for the first time buy nothing. AI can help you get more people to your site with keyword analysis, but that doesn’t help with conversion rates. I had much more trouble with the fact that 80% of customers almost bought something.

Customers go as far as putting things in the shopping cart but don’t complete the checkout process. AI can track user activity on your website to see what customers browsed, what they bought, what they put in the shopping cart, and what they abandoned. Leverage this data by setting up a clever email campaign for cart abandoners! AI will send out an automated email reminding them to complete the purchase.

Research shows a single email can boost conversion by 10%, and three reminders can boost those numbers by 79%!

Brandon RubinshteinBrandon Rubinshtein
Founder, Howdy

Cross-Selling Campaigns Skyrocket Profits

We were not using email marketing automation for cross-sell campaigns. Our entire focus was on lead nurturing and win-back campaigns. Cross-selling skyrocketed our profits and retention rates.

We could use the emails to let our customers know about our other services and products. Although we had to spend some time on data analysis, it was worth it. It allowed us to personalize content for cross-sell campaigns based on customer preferences.

Perry ZhengPerry Zheng
Founder and CEO, Pallas

“Warm Leads” List Improves Conversions

Before delving deep into email marketing automation, I wasn’t aware that I could efficiently segment and nurture my audience by automatically placing them in a “warm leads” list.

This feature was transformative. Instead of manually sifting through subscribers, automation did the heavy lifting, ensuring those showing purchase intent were appropriately engaged.

This not only streamlined our communication efforts but also enhanced the user experience, leading to a noticeable uptick in conversions. For budding entrepreneurs, harnessing such subtle yet impactful tools can significantly elevate your marketing game.

The text provided did not contain any email-like introductions or sign-offs, so no changes were necessary.

Tobias LiebschTobias Liebsch
Co-Founder, Fintalent.io

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10 Dos and Don’ts When Sending a Mass Email

10 Dos and Don'ts When Sending a Mass Email

10 Dos and Don’ts When Sending a Mass Email

To help you master the art of mass email campaigns, we’ve gathered ten invaluable tips from top industry professionals, including Email Marketers and Marketing Managers. From taking a comprehensive approach to email campaigns to optimizing for mobile and limiting media content, discover the dos and don’ts of mass email marketing from those in the know.

  • Take a Comprehensive Approach to Email Campaigns
  • Check Links Before Sending
  • Enhance Engagement with Exclusion Lists
  • Avoid False Personalization in Emails
  • Prioritize Targeted Email Campaigns
  • Obtain Consent
  • Implement Segmentation and Clear CTAs
  • Monitor KPIs, Avoid Complex Emails
  • Personalize Based on Behavior and Test Emails
  • Optimize for Mobile, Limit Media Content

Take a Comprehensive Approach to Email Campaigns

Ensure that you are emailing contacts who have given their consent. Personalize the email as much as you can because no one, including me, likes generic, template-like emails.

Conduct proper testing before sending any campaigns. This includes testing the links, spelling, images, subject line, and contact list, among other elements. Always include the unsubscribe/opt-out option in your email.

As for a “don’t,” avoid emailing a large list all at once, as it may increase bounce rates. Instead, segment the audience into multiple lists or use the email marketing tool’s option to split and send. Refrain from spamming users by sending too many emails, as it might affect your domain’s reputation.

Don’t only optimize the email for desktop; always check responsiveness before sending out an email. If the domain is new, don’t start campaigns before fully setting up the domain. This includes domain verification and domain warm-up.

Sreejith Sreekumar
Email Marketer, Changing Tree

Check Links Before Sending

Always—and I really mean always—check if all the links in the email are functioning as they should. I’ve learned this the hard way, with some of my biggest mistakes stemming from unchecked or broken links. Nothing diminishes the impact of a well-drafted email more than a link leading nowhere or, worse, somewhere unintended.

So, before you hit send, take a few moments to double-check those links. I usually send myself a test email and open each link in incognito mode to double-check.

Madhav BhandariMadhav Bhandari
Head of Marketing, Early Stage Marketing

Enhance Engagement with Exclusion Lists

A consistent practice that I keep at the forefront of all my marketing email campaigns is utilizing exclusion lists. Exclusion lists can be composed of contacts who have recently opened an email, emails that have bounced, etc. By implementing exclusion lists in all email sends, this enhances email engagement and metrics, while also not bombarding your database with too many emails.

Jon WilsonJon Wilson
Marketing Manager, RumbleOn

Avoid False Personalization in Emails

One key “don’t” for sending a mass email campaign—and this bugs me so much, let alone how the recipient must feel when receiving the email—is to avoid being overly enthusiastic and attempting to create a false sense of personalization. Trying too hard to make a mass email seem like a one-on-one conversation can come across as inauthentic and cringe-worthy to recipients. I shiver just thinking about these types of emails!

It’s important to be transparent about the fact that it’s a mass email while still crafting it in a way that feels relevant and valuable to the entire audience. Authenticity in your messaging is crucial for building trust and engagement with your subscribers.

Tim WodaTim Woda
Founder, White Peak

Prioritize Targeted Email Campaigns

One major “don’t” for sending mass email campaigns is not having targeted campaigns. As a digital marketing agency, when taking over new clients’ email marketing campaigns, we have observed many of the pitfalls inexperienced marketers can fall into.

Many inexperienced marketers prioritize numbers over engagement. In pursuit of a larger reach, they often overlook the importance of precise targeting, a potentially detrimental practice. Such an approach can lead to dire consequences, including email domain blacklisting, as users will mark your emails as spam, elevated bounce rates, and a damaging blow to your company’s reputation. In the long term, ineffectively targeted emails often end up in recipients’ spam folders, reducing your visibility and trustworthiness.

Email marketing campaigns, like any marketing campaign, should be properly targeted to ensure your content is reaching the right people. This, in turn, amplifies engagement and elevates the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Jordan BridgeJordan Bridge
Digital Marketing Executive and Cyber Security Officer, Growthlabs

Obtain Consent

Email marketing is a robust and cost-effective strategy for businesses to communicate with their audience. But to do so successfully, you must consider these crucial do’s and don’ts.

One of the fundamental principles of email marketing is the segmentation of your email list. Avoid sending mass emails to your entire database without considering the diverse interests and preferences of your subscribers.

Never send emails to individuals who haven’t opted in or provided explicit consent to receive messages from you. This not only damages your brand’s reputation, but it can also have legal implications.

Swapnil KumarSwapnil Kumar
Growth and Marketing Manager, Smartlead

Implement Segmentation and Clear CTAs

Implement segmentation in your email campaigns to ensure that the content applies to the different segments of your audience. This will likely enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Never neglect to include a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) in your emails. A CTA guides recipients on the next steps, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or another desired action, thereby increasing the chances of achieving the campaign’s objectives.

Chris StottChris Stott
Director, Seven Marketing

Monitor KPIs, Avoid Complex Emails

To run a successful mass email campaign, monitor key insights and metrics. Track and analyze crucial KPIs like opens, conversions, and click-through rates. These insights help you make critical decisions about what you can improve and what to do next.

But don’t add complex code or video in the email body. Emails work best when they’re simple. Avoid complex code or videos directly in emails; they might not work well for everyone. Instead, keep it clean. If there’s a great video, show a picture and link to it. Simple emails get more clicks and keep inboxes happy.

Ajay PrasadAjay Prasad
Founder and President, GMR Web Team

Personalize Based on Behavior and Test Emails

In my experience with mass-email campaigns, it’s crucial to segment and personalize emails based on the recipient’s preferences and behavior. This ensures that the content is relevant and also helps to increase engagement.

Before hitting the send button, I always make it a point to test the email for any errors, broken links, or formatting issues. The subject line needs to be compelling to boost open rates. Besides that, it’s essential never to send out mass emails without an easy-to-find unsubscribe option. Not only is this a best practice, but it’s also legally mandated in many places. Of course, do not overwhelm recipients with too many emails, which can lead to annoyance and increased unsubscribe rates.

Oksana SydorchukOksana Sydorchuk
Marketing Manager, Right People Group

Optimize for Mobile, Limit Media Content

Optimize emails for mobile devices because many people regularly check their mobile inboxes. Keep the subject line short (three to five words). Plus, ensure the email is concise and easily readable on small screens.

Make sure to avoid overwhelming your audience with images and media content. They can increase the chances of hitting the spam box. It’s better to stick to classical text mail for sending mass emails.

Shivbhadrasinh GohilShivbhadrasinh Gohil
CMO and Co-Founder, Meetanshi

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Cyber Monday Email Frenzy: How to Stand Out Amongst the Rest

Cyber Monday Email Frenzy: How to Stand Out Amongst the Rest

Cyber Monday Email Frenzy: How to Stand Out Amongst the Rest

To help your Cyber Monday promotions stand out, we’ve gathered eight top-notch email marketing tips from industry leaders, including CEOs and directors. From embracing email marketing fundamentals to standing out by being a helpful resource, these insights will give you the edge you need in the competitive Cyber Monday landscape.

  • Embrace Email Marketing Fundamentals
  • Craft Magnetic Subject Lines
  • Offer Unique Deals and Regular Updates
  • Employ Advanced Segmentation Techniques
  • Maximize Impact with Personalization and Urgency
  • Design for Quick and Effective Communication
  • Adopt a Contrarian Approach
  • Stand Out by Being a Helpful Resource

Embrace Email Marketing Fundamentals

It truly comes down to fundamentals.

Cyber Monday should not be when you send your first email campaign. Instead, ensure you communicate regularly with your email audiences well before a critical event. Beforehand, know what your audiences like, what motivates them, and what they want to know from you.

Getting someone to open an email is crucial. At Pinnacle, we leverage a few email tools (like Litmus) to help us identify best practices to stand out in the sea of subject lines.

Make sure the email pays off the effort of your audience engaging with you. Educate them, give them something special, or offer up a promotion. However, make sure you showcase value, energy, and connection. You want your audience to come back.

With every other brand trying to capitalize on a trending day, ask yourself: am I providing value or just adding to the volume?

Amy CantwellAmy Cantwell
Vice President of Media Strategy and Owned Media, Pinnacle Advertising

Craft Magnetic Subject Lines

With Cyber Monday email marketing, your subject line is your secret weapon. Craft attention-grabbing subject lines that create a sense of urgency and excitement. Use words like “exclusive,” “limited time,” or “one-day-only” to convey the urgency of the Cyber Monday deal.

Include personalized touches, like the recipient’s name, to make it feel tailored.

We sent emails with subject lines like “Your Exclusive Cyber Monday Deal, [Recipient’s Name]!” This small change led to a 40% increase in email open rates and a 25% boost in conversion rates. Remember, the subject line is the gateway to your offer, so make it magnetic.

Himanshu SharmaHimanshu Sharma
CEO and Founder, Academy of Digital Marketing

Offer Unique Deals and Regular Updates

My best tip to stand out amongst the rest for Cyber Monday specifically, is to offer something unique—a separate promotion from Black Friday is key in getting and keeping your audience’s attention. Use a catchy subject line, and then make it as easy as possible for your customers to get the deal!

Also, it’s always a great idea to send two (or three, if you’re also using SMS) separate communications: one in the morning introducing the offer, and one in the afternoon or evening with “last chance” messaging!

Andrea PohlmannAndrea Pohlmann
Lead Strategist

Employ Advanced Segmentation Techniques

Absolutely, my top recommendation for excelling in email marketing during Cyber Monday promotions is to employ advanced segmentation techniques. Segment your email list based on past purchasing behavior, product interest, or engagement level.

This allows you to deliver highly targeted and relevant offers to each subgroup, increasing the likelihood of conversions. By doing so, you differentiate your brand in a crowded market, providing a personalized experience that stands out and drives results.

Chris StottChris Stott
Director, Seven Marketing

Maximize Impact with Personalization and Urgency

The best way to maximize your Cyber Monday impact is by using personalized and urgent email marketing strategies. Address clients by providing personalized subject lines and names, add exclusive offers on your services or products, and include a countdown timer for urgency. Create memorable messages to ensure your promotions stand out effectively.

By following this tip, you can capture attention and drive conversions, making your Cyber Monday emails unforgettable and leading to increased engagement and sales.

Ajay PrasadAjay Prasad
Founder and President, GMR Web Team

Design for Quick and Effective Communication

Time is of the essence during these big sale days. People are flooded with emails and only have a minute or two to glance at each. So, apart from a catchy subject line that conveys something that benefits them, ensure your email design is visually appealing and highlights the key points straightaway.

Consider using bold fonts for the offer details and a clear call-to-action. A simple “Shop Now” button with a link to your Cyber Monday deals page can be very effective. Remember, the goal is to convey the maximum information in the minimum time!

David Rubie-ToddDavid Rubie-Todd
Co-Founder and Marketing Head, Sticker It

Adopt a Contrarian Approach

To distinguish your email marketing efforts during competitive times, consider adopting a contrarian approach that challenges conventional wisdom. For instance, you could launch an email campaign titled “What Not to Buy on Cyber Monday,” discussing why the perceived savings may not justify the urgency.

Follow this by highlighting how your specific offer provides customers with substantial savings without the pressure. This unique angle not only captures attention but also positions your brand as a thoughtful alternative in a crowded marketplace.

Jason VaughtJason Vaught
Director of Content, SmashBrand

Stand Out by Being a Helpful Resource

Be different. Throw the guidebooks out the window and start fresh. Focus on finding something relevant to your industry that is useful and helpful to your customers, and send that. Don’t just blast special promotions; be a resource. The idea is for them to pay attention and keep you in mind.

Christopher OlsonChristopher Olson
CFO, Surfside Services

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6 Giving Tuesday Email Strategies that Actually Worked

6 Giving Tuesday Email Strategies that Actually Worked

6 Giving Tuesday Email Strategies that Actually Worked

To help you maximize your “Giving Tuesday” email strategy, we asked six experienced CEOs, founders, and marketing managers to share their most successful tactics. From promoting a unified nonprofit message to leveraging nostalgia and data, discover the top six strategies that have proven to boost donations and engagement in the past.

  • Promote a Unified Nonprofit Message
  • Boost Donations with Authentic Storytelling
  • Run a Personalized Matching Challenge
  • Use the “Impact Story” Strategy
  • Recognize Donors with a Roll Call
  • Leverage Nostalgia and Data

Promote a Unified Nonprofit Message

At Share Detroit, our mission is to support the missions of over 360 nonprofits in our area. During Giving Tuesday and throughout the holiday season, we do this by creating content and messaging that all Detroit area nonprofits can use to promote their mission work and be a powerful part of a larger community of nonprofits.

With this common branding and messaging, led by Share Detroit, we know that supporting all nonprofits with consistent messaging and collaboration allows everyone to be seen and attracts more support from our community of caring neighbors, clubs, religious groups, and corporate foundations. Our advice is to collaborate and promote a unified message to receive more visibility, which will lead to more support.

Karly Moore
Director of Nonprofit and Community Impact, SHARE Detroit

Boost Donations with Authentic Storytelling

Personalized storytelling is a Giving Tuesday email strategy that has delivered remarkable results. Emails crafted to share impactful, real-life stories of those positively affected by donations have led to a 45% increase in engagement and a 30% boost in donations.

For instance, consider a nonprofit organization that, instead of generic appeals, sends out emails featuring stories of individuals whose lives had been transformed through their programs. These heartfelt narratives resonated with donors, inspiring them to contribute.

In essence, this strategy elevated Giving Tuesday campaigns from mere requests for funds to powerful, emotion-driven connections. Weaving authentic stories into emails taps into the empathy of supporters, driving higher engagement and donations.

Himanshu SharmaHimanshu Sharma
CEO and Founder, Academy of Digital Marketing

Run a Personalized Matching Challenge

The Personalized Matching Challenge was an email approach for Giving Tuesday that proved to be very effective. In this method, personalized emails were sent to supporters to inform them that the director of the group would match their donations.

This not only made their money go further, but it also gave the effort a more personal feel. By emphasizing “I will match your donation,” a feeling of trust and urgency was created, which encouraged supporters to act quickly.

As a result, a lot more money was donated because people wanted to maximize their contributions. Additionally, the level of engagement increased when donors shared the campaign enthusiastically on social media, encouraging their networks to participate in this unique, limited-time opportunity.

Carl PanepintoCarl Panepinto
Marketing Manager, Easy Allied Health

Use the “Impact Story” Strategy

The “Impact Story” strategy has proven highly effective in the past as a “Giving Tuesday” email strategy. Instead of merely requesting donations, a compelling story that illustrated the impact of our organization’s work in the real world was shared. This narrative highlighted an individual or community that had benefited directly from our efforts.

This strategy resonated with supporters because it created an emotional connection between them and the cause. They could observe the tangible impact of their contributions. Vivid images, personal testimonials, and progress metrics were included in the email to increase engagement.

The outcome? Donations and participation soared. Not only did donors donate, but they also became part of a meaningful narrative. Sharing the results of supporters’ efforts resulted in a sense of satisfaction and a stronger desire to continue supporting the cause. This strategy transformed ‘Giving Tuesday’ into a day of genuine giving and connection.

Martin SeeleyMartin Seeley
CEO, Mattress Next Day

Recognize Donors with a Roll Call

One Giving Tuesday email strategy that has worked well for us in the past is what we call “The Donor Roll Call.”

This particular strategy involves reaching out to your current donor list and emphasizing their impact on the organization, thanking them by name for their continued support. In this email, it’s important to highlight how your donors have made a difference and why their gifts are so important.

Rehana AslamRehana Aslam
Marketing Assistant, Instantly API

Leverage Nostalgia and Data

One “Giving Tuesday” during the early days of my startup journey, I recall we leveraged a heartfelt, nostalgia-driven email strategy. I called it the “Remember When” campaign.

Do you remember your first bicycle? The feeling of freedom, the wind in your hair? We drew a metaphorical connection between that innocent joy and the change a single donation could bring. We incorporated visuals from our startup’s early days, a tiny room, three people, and a dream—juxtaposed with where we were 10 years down the line, serving thousands. Stats were sprinkled in, showing a 120% growth in user engagement and how 70% of our milestones were community-backed.

The results? A whopping 45% spike in donations compared to the previous year. It’s amazing what a stroll down memory lane, coupled with hard data, can do for engagement. Isn’t it fascinating how emotions and numbers, when strung together rightly, can craft magic?

Ankit PrakashAnkit Prakash
Founder, Sprout24

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Would you like to submit an alternate answer to the question, “What is one ‘Giving Tuesday’ email strategy that worked well for you in the past? Share how this strategy boosted donations/engagement.”

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Should You Still Send Plain-Text Versions of Your Emails?

Should You Still Send Plain-Text Versions of Your Emails?

Should You Still Send Plain-Text Versions of Your Emails?

To shed light on the relevance of plain-text emails in today’s digital age, we asked eight professionals, including marketing managers and founders, to share their insights. From the potential resurgence of plain-text emails to how the recipient and purpose guide email style, discover the diverse perspectives on this topic.

  • Potential Resurgence of Plain-Text Emails
  • Authenticity Through Plain-Text Emails
  • Deliverability and Accessibility as Plain-Text’s Strengths
  • Enhancing Deliverability and Authenticity
  • Accessibility Advocacy in Plain-Text Emails
  • Audience and Goals Determine Email Format
  • Legal and Ethical Imperatives for Plain-Text
  • Recipient and Purpose Guide Email Style

Potential Resurgence of Plain-Text Emails

Email marketing platforms typically include a text version with every HTML sent, with no additional effort required. However, the question arises—is the plain-text version seen and used? Likely not, which may lead to platforms discontinuing this feature.

Consider the “view online” text link found at the top of many emails. Initially, this was included so recipients could read their email online if it wasn’t rendering correctly in their email client. Over time, it became almost obsolete as reports showed minimal clicks.

However, with the rise of mobile device usage for reading emails, these links experienced a resurgence in clicks.

Could a similar trend occur with plain-text emails? It’s uncertain. But for now, there’s no compelling reason to stop including them with your HTML versions.

Jeanne Jennings
Email Marketing Strategy, Consultant, Trainer, Speaker, and Published Author, Email Optimization Shop

Authenticity Through Plain-Text Emails

There are technical reasons for choosing plain-text emails over HTML-based ones, but there is also a psychological rationale to consider.

In today’s saturated landscape of sales and marketing emails, where graphics and HTML formatting are ubiquitous, a plain-text email, accompanied by compelling copy, can create a more authentic and personalized experience for the recipient.

Our minds have developed an association between heavy graphics and excessive formatting with advertisements, whether encountered on websites, through direct mail, or in email promotions. As a result, a plain-text email stands out from the crowd, presenting a more human touch that resonates with the recipient on a deeper level.

Nikhil Prasad
Marketing Manager, Fello

Deliverability and Accessibility as Plain-Text’s Strengths

Absolutely, sending plain-text versions of emails is a must, as deliverability is an enormous factor. Many corporate email filters suspect HTML-heavy emails and push them straight to the spam or promotions folder.

Plain-text emails have a better chance of bypassing these filters, so your message lands directly in the recipient’s primary inbox. We also have to think of accessibility. Visually impaired recipients might use screen readers, which work best with plain-text content.

Jon Mazza
Head of Marketing, DealPad

Enhancing Deliverability and Authenticity

Yes, plain-text versions of your emails should still be sent alongside HTML versions. Plain-text emails tend to bypass spam filters more often, increasing the chances of reaching the recipient’s inbox.

By including both versions, a wider audience is catered to, deliverability is improved, and the professionalism and authenticity of your communication is enhanced.

Jorie Wisnefski
Marketing Manager, Urban Machine

Accessibility Advocacy in Plain-Text Emails

For accessibility, it is recommended to still send the plain-text version of emails. HTML emails may not be as clear to the recipient for various reasons, such as device settings or user preferences.

In addition, plain text is a more inclusive form of email. Some visually impaired individuals use screen tools to aid them in reading messages. Communicating to attain understanding is the goal. If email is the available tool presented, then all possible ways to make it effective must be tried.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Audience and Goals Determine Email Format

It really comes down to your goals and audience. For example, if you’re an e-commerce business, your audience needs to see visuals of what you’re selling, so sending plain-text emails would be a bad move. But if you’re offering some kind of personalized service or sharing industry insights, plain text works just fine.

In fact, it works better because you want to talk and act like a human and not as a commercial brand. We’ve seen impressive results with plain text because our content has fewer bells and whistles and more authenticity, so it helps us stay true to our brand.

Ewen FinserEwen Finser
Founder, The Digital Merchant

Legal and Ethical Imperatives for Plain-Text

The answer is a resounding yes—including plain-text versions is still crucial. When considering the accessibility of your emails, plain-text versions play a vital role. Not all recipients use email clients that support HTML formatting, and some individuals rely on assistive technologies like screen readers to consume content.

By sending a plain-text version alongside your HTML version, you ensure that your message is accessible to everyone, regardless of the technology they use or any visual impairments they might have.

Accessibility is not only a matter of ethical responsibility but also a legal requirement in many regions. Laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States emphasize the need for digital content, including emails, to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in legal consequences for businesses and organizations.

Harsh VermaHarsh Verma
SEO Head, CodeDesign

Recipient and Purpose Guide Email Style

Deciding this depends on who your email is going to and why you’re sending it!

Plain-text emails are great for cold outreach and any other email where your goal is to be personable and direct. On the other hand, if you’re looking to send out drip campaigns or promotions, a more visually appealing email is what we recommend.

Both plain and rich-text emails have a great place in marketing and e-commerce business management. Another easy way to determine which email style to use is to consider the sender: a corporation/brand or an individual?

If your email would perform best coming from an individual, plain-text is the better choice. If it would perform best coming from a brand, then a rich, polished email design is the better choice!

Chelsea Evans-FlowerChelsea Evans-Flower
Owner, Scott Social

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Would you like to submit an alternate answer to the question, “Should You Still Send Plain-Text Versions of Your Emails? Elaborate on one specific reason why or why not?”

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7 Mistakes to Avoid When A/B Testing Email Campaigns

7 Mistakes to Avoid When A/B Testing Email Campaigns

To help you avoid common pitfalls in A/B testing email marketing campaigns, we’ve gathered insights from seven industry professionals, including directors and founders. From avoiding changing multiple variables simultaneously to limiting wholesale adjustments, these experts share the top mistakes to steer clear of for successful campaign testing.

  • Avoid Changing Multiple Variables Simultaneously
  • Consider Audience Behavior and Seasonal Effects
  • Account for Timing in Email Campaigns
  • Steer Clear of One-Variable Dependence
  • Don’t Direct All Traffic to Same Page
  • Allow Sufficient Time for Testing
  • Limit Wholesale Adjustments

Avoid Changing Multiple Variables Simultaneously

One critical mistake to avoid when A/B testing email marketing campaigns is changing multiple variables at once. Early in Click Intelligence’s journey, this error was made during a campaign. Both the email subject line and the call-to-action (CTA) button color were altered for the A/B test. When a significant difference in open and click-through rates was noticed, it was puzzling. Was the change due to the subject line, the CTA button color, or a combination of both?

By adjusting multiple elements simultaneously, the waters of the test results become muddied, making it challenging to pinpoint which change influenced the outcome. For precise, actionable insights, always change one variable at a time. This ensures clarity in results, allowing for informed, data-driven decisions in future campaigns.

simon brisk
Simon Brisk, Director, Click Intelligence

Consider Audience Behavior and Seasonal Effects

That one mistake is not considering the “time-sensitive nature” of your audience’s behavior and its impact.

Many experimenters send an A variant of the email on Monday and a B variant on Wednesday, which can impact the open rate. Not because there’s a problem with the content itself, but because people might be more receptive to emails at the beginning of the week, or perhaps they’re more active in the middle of the week.

Also, depending on your industry, there might be seasonal effects. Retailers experience this heavily around the holidays. If you test an email in December vs. January, user behavior might differ due to the holiday shopping mood in December.

Testing both email variants on the same day and time and repeating tests across varied periods for consistency is essential to overcome the time-sensitive issues.

Daniyal AlamDaniyal Alam
Growth Marketer, Talk Home

Account for Timing in Email Campaigns

Disregarding timing factors is a common mistake in overseeing email campaigns.

Once, two email designs were tested at completely different times of the day. The results were skewed, and it was realized that it wasn’t just the design affecting engagement, but also when the email hit the subscribers’ inboxes. Mornings might be better for some, evenings for others. Mixing up timing variables with content ones gave misleading feedback.

Therefore, it’s important to always ensure you’re comparing like with like, especially when timing plays such a pivotal role in engagement.

Talita MoraesTalita Moraes
CMO, Tarotoo

Steer Clear of One-Variable Dependence

When wielding the A/B-testing wand in the realm of email marketing, steer clear of the “One-Trick Pony” pitfall. Believe it or not, around 60% of marketers fall into this trap, according to the Data Wizards Guild.

Picture this—Unicorn Co. sent out two email versions, switching only the subject line. Bingo, they struck gold with a higher open rate! But beware, dear marketer, relying solely on a single variable like subject lines is like hoping a lone ingredient makes a gourmet meal.

To truly rock the A/B stage, spice things up! Tweak subject lines AND content, throw in call-to-action curveballs, and maybe even switch up the sender’s name. It’s like crafting a symphony—every note counts. So, no more one-hit wonders—let’s compose an A/B masterpiece!

Himanshu SharmaHimanshu Sharma
CEO and Founder, Academy of Digital Marketing

Don’t Direct All Traffic to Same Page

One of the biggest mistakes you want to avoid when running an A-B test on an email marketing campaign is sending all the traffic to the same landing page. Take the time to create two versions of the same landing page and send the A traffic to one and the B traffic to the other. You’ll be surprised how different the results can be based on the messaging of your email.

Adam WhiteAdam White
Founder, SquidVision

Allow Sufficient Time for Testing

One significant error to avoid in A/B testing for email marketing campaigns is prematurely forming conclusions based on insufficient testing time. Rushing the testing phase can lead to skewed results and misguided decisions.

For instance, evaluating responses within the initial hours may neglect variations in recipient engagement due to factors like time zones or varying open times. To ensure the credibility of your findings, it’s essential to allocate an appropriate testing duration. This timeframe should encompass a substantial portion of your target audience, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of their interactions with the email content.

By patiently allowing the test to run its course, you can gather statistically significant data, resulting in dependable insights. These insights can then be leveraged to fine-tune future email marketing campaigns effectively.

Casey Preston
CRO and Founder, Stratosphere

Avoid Wholesale Adjustments

The biggest mistake I see when A/B testing emails is that people change their emails too much, then can’t pinpoint why their performance has improved or worsened.

If you are going to A/B test, start off with a few minor changes individually, e.g., the email layout or headline. What you can often see is that people will make wholesale changes to the content of the email and the headline, so they often become completely different emails. This makes it difficult to nail down the reason for performance changes.

Elliot RushtonElliot Rushton
Freelance Marketer, EPR Marketing

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7 Examples of Gamification in Email Marketing

7 Examples of Gamification in Email Marketing

7 Examples of Gamification in Email Marketing

To help you understand the potential of gamification in email marketing, we’ve gathered seven unique examples from industry leaders. From CEOs to marketing managers, they’ve shared their insights on how to engage and entertain subscribers. From sending “Choose Your Own Adventure” emails to entertaining with a spin-to-win wheel feature, discover innovative ways to gamify your email marketing strategy.

  • Send “Choose Your Own Adventure” Emails
  • Boost Engagement with Email Treasure Hunts
  • Test Audience Knowledge with Pop Quizzes
  • Stimulate Competition with Leaderboards
  • Turn Tasks into Missions and Challenges
  • Engage Subscribers with Interactive Elements
  • Entertain with Spin-to-Win Wheel Feature

Send “Choose Your Own Adventure” Emails

Creating immersive and personalized experiences is key in today’s digital marketing landscape. One effective strategy is the use of “choose your own adventure” emails. These are interactive emails offering customers a range of options, each leading to a different outcome, such as a unique offer or tailored product recommendation.

This not only encourages active engagement but also reveals valuable insights into customer preferences. Adopting this style transforms emails from simple communication tools into interactive experiences. This approach drives higher customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.

Scott ReidScott Reid
Founder and Chief Optimizer, Ecommerce Optimizers

Boost Engagement with Email Treasure Hunts

A savvy e-commerce wizard named “Ace Deals & Wheels” wanted to boost engagement with their subscribers. Their secret weapon? Gamification!

According to a study by Campaign Monitor, gamified emails can increase click rates by a whopping 42%! Ace Deals & Wheels crafted an interactive email treasure hunt. Subscribers became modern-day Indiana Jones, hunting for hidden discounts within the email labyrinth.

Real-life proof? The click-through rate skyrocketed like a rocket on a sugar rush! As subscribers reveled in the thrilling quest, sales and brand loyalty revved up like a sports car on an open highway! So, level up your email marketing game with gamification. May the clicks be ever in your favor!

Himanshu SharmaHimanshu Sharma
CEO and Founder, Academy of Digital Marketing

Test Audience Knowledge with Pop Quizzes

Even when faced with subjects we don’t fully comprehend, there’s an inherent drive to confirm whether we are right or wrong. In email marketing, we can capitalize on this by designing pop quizzes that encourage people to test their knowledge. Through these quizzes, we gain valuable insights that can be utilized for future re-marketing opportunities.

Jason VaughtJason Vaught
Director of Content, SmashBrand

Stimulate Competition with Leaderboards

Adding a leaderboard to your email marketing can serve as an example of gamification. A leaderboard is a list of subscribers who have engaged the most with your emails, including those who have opened your emails, clicked on links, or shared your emails with others.

Incorporating a leaderboard into your emails can stimulate competition among subscribers, encouraging them to strive for the top spot. This strategy can enhance engagement with your emails, thereby improving open rates, click-through rates, and social media shares.

Brenton ThomasBrenton Thomas
CEO, Twibi

Turn Tasks into Missions and Challenges

It’s funny how using a different word can spark different behaviors. Instead of asking the reader to take certain steps or perform an action, turn it into a mission or the steps into a challenge, and watch some magic happen. Challenges can feed people’s need to feel like they are making progress and building competency toward some desired outcome.

There is also an inherent winning feeling if you finish a challenge that just going through a list of bulleted items can’t quite match. Make them feel like heroes in your campaign. Alternatively, let them help write the story by giving them a chance to choose their own adventure along the way. They get to decide which parts of the challenge to tackle, and you get an easy way to gain insights, segment the audience, and better serve them with your next email.

Valary OleinikValary Oleinik
Chief Disruptor, valary  with a why

Engage Subscribers with Interactive Elements

Gamification can be enhanced by adding interactive elements like scratch cards or spin-to-win wheels to emails. In contrast to a typical promotional email, this approach creates an engaging experience.

Suppose, as a retailer, you want to promote a new product line or seasonal sale with gamified emails. Your customers interact with the game, anticipating their reward, which could be discounts, special offers, or free gifts. Gamification boosts engagement and click-through rates, fostering a positive brand association and increasing conversion and customer loyalty.

Overall, it creates a more interactive and rewarding experience for subscribers, elevating the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Oksana SydorchukOksana Sydorchuk
Marketing Manager, Right People Group

Entertain with Spin-to-Win Wheel Feature

Incorporating a Spin-to-Win Wheel feature is one way to use gamification in email marketing. This interactive element is included within the email, allowing subscribers to click on it and participate in a fun activity, like spinning a virtual wheel.

When a subscriber clicks on the wheel, it starts spinning, and then stops at a random position, revealing the prize they’ve won. The prizes can vary, such as exclusive discounts, special offers, freebies, or even the chance to win a grand prize.

David BuiDavid Bui
Director and Business Specialist, Schmicko

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8 Best Practices for “Thank You for Your Purchase” Emails

8 Best Practices for "Thank You for Your Purchase" Emails

8 Best Practices for “Thank You for Your Purchase” Emails

Crafting the perfect “Thank you for your purchase” email can be a challenge. To help you navigate this, we’ve gathered eight best practices from founders, CEOs, and other marketing professionals. From personalizing your thank you email to offering incentives, discover the insights these experts have shared.

  • Personalize Your Thank You Email
  • Keep It Human
  • Send a Message from the CEO
  • Address Customer by Name and Purchase
  • Promote Further Action
  • Include a Feedback Survey
  • Highlight the Product Benefits
  • Offer Incentives

Personalize Your Thank You Email

Running a digital marketing agency has led to the realization that the key to a powerful “Thank you for your purchase” email lies in its personal touch.

A client once launched a line of artisanal teas. A buyer’s comment about her love for chamomile tea during a previous interaction was remembered, and a thank-you email acknowledging her preference was crafted. “We hope this chamomile blend brings a touch of serenity to your evenings!”

This detail, though small, showed care beyond the transaction, making the communication more memorable. Experiences like this illustrate how tailoring messages can truly elevate customer engagement.

Ryan SteinolfsonRyan Steinolfson
Founder, Accelerate Marketing

Keep It Human

When thanking your customers, make sure that you keep it human, sincere, and, as much as possible, personalized.

Where possible, create segments for efficiency so you can send out a few versions of your email blast to different audiences. Explore, too, the features of your email tool, like including the recipient’s name in the subject line or in the opening part of your message.

A thank-you note forms part of a customer’s experience of their purchase and a channel for feedback. It is also the perfect opportunity for you to build and strengthen your relationship with them.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Send a Message from the CEO

Working with hundreds of e-commerce brands has shown that a best practice when crafting a “Thank you for your purchase” message to customers is to send an automated, yet personalized, message from the founder or CEO.

This can be achieved by creating a secondary sending address from the founder or CEO and creating the message as plain text instead of a typical graphical marketing message. This approach gives the customer the impression that the founder or CEO took the time to send them a one-off message thanking them for their purchase.

Steve DinelliSteve Dinelli
Founder, MarketerInterview.com

Address Customer by Name and Purchase

Addressing the customer by name and mentioning the specific product or service they purchased is important. Tailoring the language to their specific interests is also beneficial. For instance, if the customer is a frequent buyer of the products, this could be mentioned.

Also, try to be timely, clear and concise, and informative.

Brenton ThomasBrenton Thomas
CEO, Twibi

Promote Further Action

You can even use your thank-you emails to promote further action. All you need to do is insert a call-to-action button that invites a customer to participate in further engagement. You can ask them to check out more products or leave a review for the ones they’ve purchased.

The CTA can even lead them to your blog posts, sign up for your newsletter, or enable them to follow your social media channels. This email is an opportunity for you to encourage further engagement, and a call-to-action button is the best way to persuade your customers to act.

Ariav CohenAriav Cohen
VP of Marketing and Sales, Proprep

Include a Feedback Survey

This is an excellent opportunity to provide a feedback survey so that you can get a feel for your customers’ experience with things like checking out, pricing, and navigating your website. When analyzing how your customers have responded to your feedback survey, you can recognize what they like as well as what improvements need to be made.

Miles BeckettMiles Beckett
Co-Founder and CEO, Flossy

Highlight the Product Benefits

Understand the importance of choosing the right [product/service] to meet your needs efficiently. It’s crucial to comprehend all the amazing advantages the new [product/service name] provides. [Explain the top 2-3 characteristics or benefits in detail]. It’s believed that it will surpass your expectations.

Cindi KellerCindi Keller
Communications Coordinator, The Criminal Defense Firm

Offer Incentives

A best practice when crafting a “thank you for your purchase” message to customers includes an incentive or special offer that rewards them for their loyalty.

One example of this could be providing them with a discount code to offer free online shipping on their next order. This is effective as it encourages customers to re-engage with your business, thereby improving customer retention and satisfaction. Additionally, it may also prompt additional purchases from returning customers due to the exclusive nature of the offer.

Julia KellyJulia Kelly
Managing Partner, Rigits

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