9 Strategies for Testing Email Designs Across Different Mobile Devices

9 Strategies for Testing Email Designs Across Different Mobile Devices

9 Strategies for Testing Email Designs Across Different Mobile Devices

In the fast-evolving mobile landscape, ensuring your email designs shine on every screen is crucial. We’ve gathered insights from business owners to CEOs, detailing their strategies from using testing tools for email consistency to combining automated and hands-on testing. Discover the top nine expert tips for testing and enhancing the performance and rendering of your emails across diverse mobile devices and platforms.

  • Use Testing Tools like Litmus
  • Analyze Client Usage for Targeted Testing
  • Optimize for Dark Mode Compatibility
  • Simulate Devices for Layout Optimization
  • Test on Actual Devices, Optimize Images
  • A/B Test for Mobile Display Improvements
  • Tailor Email Design by Device Type
  • Revise Based on Real-World Data
  • Combine Automated and Hands-On Testing

Use Testing Tools like Litmus

Testing email designs across various mobile devices and platforms is crucial to ensure consistent performance and a positive user experience. I typically use email testing tools like Litmus or Email on Acid, which allow me to preview how emails will render on different devices, email clients, and screen sizes. These tools help catch issues like broken layouts, missing images, or poor readability before the email goes live.

In one scenario, we were preparing a promotional email for a major campaign. During testing, we discovered that the email’s layout was breaking on older Android devices, causing important call-to-action buttons to disappear below the fold. If we hadn’t caught this, a significant portion of our audience might have missed the key messages and offers. We quickly adjusted the design by simplifying the layout and using responsive coding techniques to ensure the email displayed correctly across all devices.

This testing and subsequent adjustment led to a higher click-through rate than initially projected, proving how essential it is to thoroughly test emails in diverse environments. By making these changes, we ensured that the campaign reached and engaged as many recipients as possible, regardless of their device.

Andrew Lee JenkinsAndrew Lee Jenkins
Owner, Andrew Lee Jenkins

Analyze Client Usage for Targeted Testing

To test and optimize email designs across various mobile devices and platforms, I analyze email client usage statistics from our email marketing platform. This data reveals the devices and platforms used by our subscribers, enabling targeted testing. For instance, during a recent campaign, we discovered our emails were not rendering correctly on Outlook for iPhone. We tested and fixed the issue, resulting in a significant improvement of 20% in open rates and 15% in click-through rates.

Abdullah PremAbdullah Prem
Digital Marketer, Bloggersneed

Optimize for Dark Mode Compatibility

We utilize a really great testing tool called Litmus to test the performance and rendering of our email designs across mobile devices and email inboxes. Over the last few years, dark-mode email design has been of increasing importance. While it’s not easy to use a tool to test how many users employ dark mode on their device by client email audience, we can use general guidance to assume more than 50% of an audience uses dark mode on their device.

By creating a set of best practices to ensure cross-device compatibility of design, while optimizing that same design to appear aesthetically pleasing and legible on both dark and light modes, we’ve seen increases in our clients’ CTR by over 30% on average! It pays to go the extra mile, and tools like Litmus enable our team to provide the best-performing email designs that convert for our clients.

Erin SiemekErin Siemek
CEO, Forge Digital Marketing, LLC

Simulate Devices for Layout Optimization

To ensure email designs look great on all devices, I use comprehensive testing tools that simulate various screen sizes and platforms. Once, a test revealed that our emails were clipping on certain mobile devices. By adjusting the layout and optimizing images, we improved readability and click-through rates by 30%. Regular testing and tweaks are crucial—what looks perfect on one device might need fine-tuning to shine on another.

David WilfongDavid Wilfong
Founder and CEO, DavidWilfong

Test on Actual Devices, Optimize Images

As an email marketing agency, we extensively test how our designs render across major email clients and mobile devices. For a recent product launch email, initial tests showed the images weren’t displaying properly on older Android phones.

We reduced image sizes and simplified the layout. Re-testing showed it now displayed perfectly everywhere. When it launched, open and click rates on Androids rose over 25%.

Testing is key to optimization. While emulators provide an overview, always double-check on actual devices, especially older models. Minor tweaks to improve compatibility can significantly impact metrics. For best results, make testing and optimization ongoing parts of your email marketing strategy.

Kevin WattsKevin Watts
President & Founder, Raincross

A/B Test for Mobile Display Improvements

As an experienced marketing professional, email testing is crucial to providing the best experience for clients and their customers. Recently, while optimizing an e-commerce client’s abandoned-cart email campaign, A/B testing uncovered issues with how the email’s product gallery displayed on certain Android devices.

We rebuilt the email to show one product image at a time, with clear “next” and “previous” buttons for navigation. Open rates increased over 15%, and revenue from the campaign was up 12% after launch.

Continuous testing and optimization are key. Even small changes, like improving how images or CTAs display on mobile, can drive significant improvements in engagement and ROI. For any email campaign, we test on multiple devices and OS versions to identify any rendering or UX issues before launch. The time invested in rigorous testing pays off in stronger campaign performance and happier clients.

Joseph YarberJoseph Yarber
Director of Operations, Limestone Digital

Tailor Email Design by Device Type

I would suggest you take a moment to appreciate the complexity of the digital environment. With smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops all being used to access emails, it’s essential to tailor email design for each device type. Start by analyzing email client usage statistics. Most email marketing platforms offer this data, which will reveal the devices and platforms subscribers use most.

For example, a small online boutique called Zephyr Trends found that 60% of their subscribers accessed their emails on mobile devices, mainly iPhones. By identifying the most popular devices and platforms among subscribers, you can prioritize optimization efforts and ensure the best experience for the majority of the audience.

Arvind RongalaArvind Rongala
CEO, Edstellar

Revise Based on Real-World Data

As CEO of Refresh Digital Strategy, email marketing campaigns are a core part of our service offering. We thoroughly test each email design on at least 10 mobile devices to optimize the experience for our clients’ audiences.

Last year, we launched a promotional email campaign for an e-commerce client that performed well in testing, but open rates dropped significantly on iPhones after launching. We quickly identified the call-to-action button as the issue, simplified the design, and retested. The updated email recovered open rates to exceed the campaign’s targets.

Constant testing and a willingness to revise campaigns based on real-world data are key. Seemingly minor changes can drive major improvements in open rates, CTRs, and other KPIs. For email marketers, testing on multiple devices should be standard; the time invested in optimizing the design and ensuring the best experience for recipients pays off in performance.

Alexander PalmiereAlexander Palmiere
Founder & CEO, Refresh Digital Strategy

Combine Automated and Hands-On Testing

We rigorously test email designs across a wide range of devices to ensure flawless performance. We rely on robust platforms like Litmus for the heavy lifting, but personally, I also love getting hands-on with actual phones and tablets to catch any sneaky rendering issues. This combo approach recently helped us squash a pesky display bug on older mobile devices, significantly increasing our client’s click-through rates and overall campaign success.

Alexandra BrownAlexandra Brown
Visual Designer, Oak Theory

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