25 Innovative Ways to Drive Traffic to Email Signup Pages

25 Innovative Ways to Drive Traffic to Email Signup Pages

25 Innovative Ways to Drive Traffic to Email Signup Pages

In the quest for innovative ways to boost email sign-up rates, we’ve gathered twenty-five unique strategies from CEOs, Founders, and other leading marketing experts. From utilizing personalized video messages to gamifying industry challenges, these professionals reveal their unconventional methods and how they stack up against the norm.

  • Personalized Video Messages Increase Engagement
  • Leverage Book Content for Email Sign-Ups
  • Host Educational Workshops for Sign-Ups
  • Collaborate with Micro-Influencers
  • Address Email Confirmation Hurdles
  • Host a LinkedIn Giveaway Contest
  • Integrate QR Codes in Offline Marketing
  • Engage Users with Interactive Quizzes
  • Use Timed Pop-Up Modal for Sign-Ups
  • Influencer Partnerships Drive Targeted Traffic
  • Contribute in Niche Community Forums
  • Create Joint Promotions with Similar Blogs
  • Organize a Meme Contest for Sign-Ups
  • Offer Legacy Book for Email Sign-Up
  • Host a Mystery Box Social Media Giveaway
  • Host Networking Sessions for Email List
  • Gamified Referral Program Boosts Subscriptions
  • Downloadable Industry Report Grows Email List
  • Offer Exclusive Game Access for Sign-Ups
  • Partner with Local Businesses for Discounts
  • Incorporate Sign-Ups into Brand Events
  • Creativity Drives Email Sign-Up Traffic
  • Virtual ‘Resume Makeover Marathon’ Engages Users
  • Digital Photo Booth Attracts Conference Attendees
  • Gamified Legal Tech Challenges Increase Subscriptions

Personalized Video Messages Increase Engagement

We experimented with personalized video messages. After a user signed up, they received a customized welcome video from our team. Before receiving this personalized content, users were teased with generic previews on various platforms, which prompted an increase in sign-ups to receive the full personalized experience.

Personalized video messages had a profound impact on the emotional connection users felt with our brand, leading to a 40% increase in open rates for subsequent emails compared to those sent without personalized content. This strategy not only improved initial sign-up rates but also enhanced long-term user engagement with our email content.

Jason HennesseyJason Hennessey
CEO, Hennessey Digital

Leverage Book Content for Email Sign-Ups

While it may not be entirely unconventional, I’ve found great success with a method that’s gaining traction in the publishing world: leveraging book content to drive email sign-ups. I wrote a short book on Mastering AI in Communications and strategically included calls to action in the book, offering readers access to additional information and resources by signing up for my email list. This approach creates a natural funnel from engaged readers to email subscribers.

The performance has been impressive, especially when combined with speaking events where I distribute my books. After these events, I consistently see a significant spike in email sign-ups. In fact, this approach typically doubles the number of sign-ups compared to more traditional methods like running small ad campaigns or engaging in direct message conversations on social media.

What makes this method effective is the context and timing. Readers who are already invested in the book’s content are more likely to want additional resources. By offering these through an email sign-up, we’re providing value at the exact moment of high interest.

Moreover, the personal connection established during speaking events seems to amplify this effect. When people receive the book directly and hear me speak, there’s an increased trust and interest that translates into higher sign-up rates.

While this method requires more upfront effort in creating valuable content and securing speaking engagements, the long-term payoff in terms of engaged email subscribers has been well worth it. It’s a strategy that not only grows my list but ensures that those joining are genuinely interested in the topic, leading to better engagement rates down the line.

Kendra CormanKendra Corman
Strategist and Consultant, KendraCorman.com

Host Educational Workshops for Sign-Ups

When launching Caption Easy, engaging film producers meant thinking outside the box. We hosted an online accessibility workshop, offering insights on enhancing viewer experiences. Participants received exclusive content via our email sign-up, blending education with engagement. This approach not only drove a 40% increase in our email subscriptions but also solidified our relationships within the industry, proving more effective than standard promotional emails.

Khurram SuhrwardyKhurram Suhrwardy
CEO, Caption Easy

Collaborate with Micro-Influencers

To drive traffic to my email sign-up page, I collaborated with micro-influencers in the wedding industry. Instead of opting for big names, I chose influencers with a dedicated and engaged following. We created a series of beautifully styled photo shoots featuring my products, which they shared on their social platforms. This approach generated a buzz and increased sign-ups significantly more than traditional paid ads. The personal touch and authentic recommendations resonated well with potential brides, making this method highly effective.

Ketie ZhangKetie Zhang
Founder, Ketie Story

Address Email Confirmation Hurdles

I really sweat the whole process. I’ve put as much thought into the journey people take when they click as I have into the sign-up form itself. Calls to action aren’t just a one-time thing; they often require users to take multiple steps. For my newsletter sign-up, for instance, I need them to confirm their email address to make sure they truly want to join my mailing list.

It’s important to consider what could go wrong at this stage of the process. In my experience, two main issues might arise.

First, a user might not realize they need to confirm their email address. To tackle this, I direct them to a custom page right after they submit their initial form. On this page, I clearly explain why confirming their email is necessary.

Second, there’s always a chance they might not receive the confirmation email due to various reasons. That’s why on the post-sign-up page, I encourage people to reach out to me directly if they haven’t received the email. I’d rather manually add them than lose a subscriber. This approach has proven more effective than traditional methods because it addresses potential hurdles directly and makes the entire sign-up process as smooth as possible.

Amir ElaguizyAmir Elaguizy
CEO and Co-Founder, Cratejoy, Inc

Host a LinkedIn Giveaway Contest

One unexpectedly successful method I used to boost traffic to my email signup page was utilizing LinkedIn to host a “free cheat sheet giveaway contest.” It was more than just sharing a resource; it made the entire process competitive and more engaging.

People love freebies and competition, so this approach combines the best of both worlds. The participants had to sign up for my email list to gain access to the cheat sheet and enter the contest. The results were astounding. I saw a 38% increase in signups compared to my conventional methods of free resource sharing.

The competition added an element of fun and urgency that simply offering a free resource could not. It’s a technique I’d highly recommend to anyone looking to boost their email list subscriptions.

Tim HansonTim Hanson
Cco, PenFriend

Integrate QR Codes in Offline Marketing

As an agency, we test many strategies. One unconventional method we utilized to drive traffic to our email signup page involved integrating QR codes into our offline marketing materials. We printed these QR codes on business cards, flyers, and even merchandise like T-shirts and mugs. This approach leveraged potential users’ curiosity and interactivity, prompting them to scan the code with their smartphones. Once scanned, users were directed to a visually appealing and user-friendly landing page where they could easily sign up for our email list.

Compared to traditional methods, such as social media ads or website pop-ups, this technique performed remarkably well. We observed a significant increase in signups from events and locations where our QR codes were prominently featured. This success can be attributed to the novelty and convenience of the QR codes, which provided a seamless bridge between our offline and online presence.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Engage Users with Interactive Quizzes

One unconventional method I used to drive traffic to a school club’s email signup page was creating a free, interactive quiz related to the club. Instead of relying solely on traditional methods like social media posts and pop-up forms, I designed a quiz that questioned students on marketing facts. At the end of the quiz, participants were prompted to enter their email to receive their results.

The quiz’s interactive nature engaged users more effectively, leading to a significant increase in sign-ups. People were not only more likely to complete the quiz but also more willing to share their email in exchange for valuable, personalized content.

Courtney DangCourtney Dang
Marketing Coordinator, Achievable

Use Timed Pop-Up Modal for Sign-Ups

One unconventional method I’ve used to drive traffic to an email sign-up page is to include the form in a pop-up modal or lightbox that appears after a user has spent a certain amount of time on the site. Many people dislike pop-ups, but used judiciously and with consideration for the user experience, they can be an effective tactic.

For example, I implemented a pop-up sign-up form on a client’s blog that would appear after a visitor had scrolled through 2-3 articles. The timing felt natural—visitors had engaged with the content and were now presented with an easy way to continue that relationship via email. The pop-up explained the benefits of signing up and promised not to show up again if the reader X’ed out. This simple lightbox generated hundreds of new email subscribers over time, at very little cost. Sometimes you have to try creative techniques like this to cut through the noise. Just be sure to avoid overly aggressive pop-ups that might detract from the user experience. Test and optimize to find the right balance.

Gert KullaGert Kulla
CEO, Batlinks

Influencer Partnerships Drive Targeted Traffic

When it comes to driving traffic to an email signup page or form, I’ve found that one of the most unconventional yet effective methods is to leverage partnerships with influencers and affiliates. Many businesses focus solely on paid ads or organic social media, but influencer marketing opens up an entirely new channel.

For example, I once partnered with a popular YouTuber in my niche to feature my lead magnet and signup page to their email list and social media following. While it required some upfront costs, the influx of highly targeted, warm traffic from their loyal audience generated hundreds of new subscribers in just a few days. It exceeded my expectations.

By thinking outside the box and collaborating with others who already have an audience, you can gain exposure and drive conversions in creative ways. The key is finding partners who genuinely align with your brand and offer value to their followers—it should be a win-win. With the right influencer partnership strategy, you can acquire customers you may not reach through conventional methods.

Charles VeprekCharles Veprek
Director of Business Development, IT Asset Management Group (ITAMG)

Contribute in Niche Community Forums

My advice is to engage in niche community forums related to your industry. Provide valuable insights and resources, and include a link to your email sign-up page in your forum signature or profile. This method effectively targets engaged audiences and drives organic traffic to your sign-up form.

For example, participating in relevant discussions builds credibility and trust, encouraging forum members to subscribe for more in-depth information and updates. This approach taps into highly interested and active user bases, leading to higher conversion rates compared to more general traffic sources.

Matias RodsevichMatias Rodsevich
Founder & CEO, PRLab

Create Joint Promotions with Similar Blogs

We collaborated with non-competing businesses for joint promotions. We didn’t rely solely on paid promotions and social media posts. We partnered with blogs that shared a similar target audience. Here, readers can access an exclusive whitepaper on the latest trends in app development by signing up for our email list.

Readers interested in staying up-to-date on cutting-edge technologies were motivated to sign up for our newsletter to receive valuable insights and resources. This approach established credibility and engaged a targeted and tech-savvy audience—an audience interested in app development.

Compared to traditional methods such as generic emails and banner ads, this collaboration performed exceptionally well. It not only drove traffic to our email sign-up page but also generated high-quality leads. The partnership enhanced our brand’s authority in the tech industry.

So, this unconventional approach showed the power of strategic partnerships in driving relevant traffic and expanding our email subscriber list.

Saikat GhoshSaikat Ghosh
Associate Director of HR & Business, Technource

Organize a Meme Contest for Sign-Ups

We once used a meme contest to drive traffic to our email sign-up page. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it worked like a charm. We asked followers to create and share memes related to our industry, with the catch being they had to sign up for our email list to enter. People love a good laugh and the chance to show off their creativity, so it really took off.

In my opinion, this method performed way better than traditional approaches like pop-ups or static website banners. The engagement was through the roof, and the traffic to our sign-up page quadrupled compared to our usual campaigns. It showed that thinking outside the box and tapping into what people enjoy can make all the difference.

Andrew Lee JenkinsAndrew Lee Jenkins
Owner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency

Offer Legacy Book for Email Sign-Up

We tried a unique method of giving away a legacy book for just $1 in exchange for signing up for our mailing list. We created a legacy with relevant and valuable content in our niche and promoted it through social media and community campaigns. We posted on Facebook and LinkedIn about the legacy book. This nontraditional method of providing value upfront in exchange for an email address performed significantly better than our previous attempts using banner ads and sidebar forms. We doubled our email list size within the first week compared to the previous month using traditional methods. The $1 legacy book offer acted as a powerful incentive for interested prospects and also for angel investors to take action and sign up.

Mahee ChouhanMahee Chouhan
Content and Digital Marketing Manager, Mitt Arv

Host a Mystery Box Social Media Giveaway

A method that worked wonders for Festoon House was hosting a “Mystery Box” giveaway on social media. Here’s how it worked: We asked people to sign up for our email newsletter to be eligible for a mystery box filled with surprise products from our store. The catch? We didn’t reveal what was inside! So with this, we created a sense of intrigue by sharing close-up shots of the products, asking people to guess what they could be, and encouraging them to sign up for a chance to win.

We then promoted the giveaway on Instagram and Facebook, and it created a lot of buzz. People were curious, and that curiosity drove them to sign up for our email list. We gained over 1,000 new email subscribers in just two weeks, which was a significant increase compared to our usual signup rates. Compared to traditional methods like offering a discount or free shipping, the Mystery Box giveaway outperformed them by at least 3x.

The best part of this is that the Mystery Box giveaway allowed us to showcase our products in a unique and creative way. When the winners received their mystery boxes, they shared their experiences with friends and family, creating a ripple effect that drove even more traffic to our email signup page. We also saw an increase in engagement on our social media channels, with people sharing their guesses and excitement about the mystery box. It was a win-win! Our email open rates also increased, as people were eager to learn more about our products and promotions.

Matt LittleMatt Little
Founder & Managing Director, Festoon House

Host Networking Sessions for Email List

Beyond social media ads and SEO, I’ve found that one other way that stands out is hosting networking sessions.

I gather local real estate professionals, investors, and enthusiasts to discuss market trends, share knowledge, and explore opportunities. At the end of each session, I introduce my email signup page and show them the exclusive content and insights they can get.

This method outperformed all others. People who signed up at these sessions were 50% more engaged, opened, and clicked more. They liked the face-to-face connection and trusted the personal follow-up.

Networking sessions build community and drive highly engaged traffic to your email list. The personal touch turns curiosity into commitment.

Danny JohnsonDanny Johnson
Founder, Danny Buys Houses

Gamified Referral Program Boosts Subscriptions

We employed one unorthodox approach to draw people to our email signup page; it was achieved through a game-like system with referrals. Instead of the usual paid advertising or social media promotions, we created an enjoyable experience where participants could obtain points and gifts for referring friends and completing other specific tasks, like posting something on their social media about 4Freedom Mobile.

The referral plan was presented in simple language and beautiful colors, as well as showing motivation that was attractive to our target audience. By making it a game rather than just another process, we not only enjoyed it but also created competition among the users who are now part of the 4Freedom Mobile community; more sign-ups were encouraged.

The results were amazing. The first month after launching the gamified program saw a 50% rise in email subscriptions compared to our traditional methods. Furthermore, users had higher engagement levels, as most of them would spend more time on our site while actively participating in referral competitions. This strategy did not only increase the number of emails on our list but also contributed to brand loyalty and awareness, which proved to be extremely effective for us.

David SiclairDavid Siclair
CEO, 4Freedom Mobile

Downloadable Industry Report Grows Email List

Recognizing the gap between high site traffic and low customer engagement, we devised an unconventional method to boost email sign-ups. We created a downloadable industry report that provided detailed insights, which our audience was actively seeking through our existing content. This strategic approach served as a more appealing alternative to direct contact requests, offering tangible value while subtly encouraging users to subscribe to our mailing list. The performance of this method was markedly better than traditional direct appeals for contact. It successfully bridged the trust gap and increased our email sign-ups significantly, allowing us to nurture these leads with further valuable content and convert them over time.

Brett UngashickBrett Ungashick
CEO & CHRO, OutSail

Offer Exclusive Game Access for Sign-Ups

One unconventional method that drove tremendous traffic to my email sign-up page was offering exclusive access to new game modes or customization features in exchange for signing up. Compared to standard sign-up forms, this personalized approach skyrocketed conversion rates, as it provided real value to my audience and made them feel like VIP members of the community.

Holger SindbækHolger Sindbæk
Founder, Online Solitaire

Partner with Local Businesses for Discounts

One unconventional method we used to drive traffic to our email signup page was partnering with local businesses to offer exclusive discount coupons to their customers. Contrary to just giving out coupons that they could only use for our business, we partnered with other local businesses so it creates more value for our subscribers. These coupons could only be claimed by signing up for our email list, creating a win-win situation for both parties.

This approach outperformed traditional methods such as social media ads and pop-ups on our website, as it offered a tangible benefit to users right away. In addition to this, we also organized limited-time giveaway contests where participants had to sign up through our email form to enter. By providing value upfront in the form of discounts or potential prizes, we successfully encouraged more sign-ups and engagement from our target audience.

David Rubie-ToddDavid Rubie-Todd
Co-Founder & Marketing Head, Sticker It

Incorporate Sign-Ups into Brand Events

I don’t know if I’d call it ‘unconventional,’ but one of the methods that worked really well for Gigli when it came to getting people to our email signup page was incorporating it into our events that we’ve held. Basically, we’ve held a number of events and parties for people to come and experience our brand, products, and more. Sometimes, we’ll have sign-up booths at these parties, stickers, or QR codes to scan that either lead to our email sign-up page or to a campaign page that includes that in the process of entering a competition or something else.

The great thing about this method is that people are already in an environment created by and surrounded by our brand. It’s exciting, and they’re a part of the brand experience, meaning we’re building a stronger relationship with them. Them signing up for our emails is just one of the next steps to further build on that relationship and that experience.

Kam TalebiKam Talebi
CEO, Gigli

Creativity Drives Email Sign-Up Traffic

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein

As a children’s clothing and accessories brand, we decided to think outside the box to drive traffic to our email signup page. Instead of relying solely on traditional methods like social media ads and influencer partnerships, we organized a virtual fashion show for kids. This unconventional approach not only engaged our target audience in a unique way but also generated buzz and excitement around our brand.

The virtual fashion show featured real kids showcasing our latest collection, allowing parents to see our products in action. We promoted the event through targeted email campaigns and collaborations with parenting blogs. The response was overwhelming – our email signup rate increased by 57.24% compared to our previous campaigns!

In the words of Walt Disney, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” By thinking creatively and taking a risk with an unconventional method, we were able to not only drive traffic to our email signup page but also create a memorable experience for our audience.

Nikhil SoniNikhil Soni
Founder, The Tribe Kids

Virtual ‘Resume Makeover Marathon’ Engages Users

We organized a virtual ‘Resume Makeover Marathon’ where participants could get real-time feedback on their resumes from industry experts. To join, they had to sign up through our email form. This unconventional approach not only provided value but also created a sense of urgency and exclusivity.

Compared to traditional methods like social media ads, this initiative saw a 40% higher conversion rate and significantly increased our email sign-ups by 35%. My advice is to create events that offer immediate value and engagement to your audience.

Amit DoshiAmit Doshi
Founder & CEO, MyTurn

Digital Photo Booth Attracts Conference Attendees

At a recent industry conference, we offered a digital photo booth that allowed attendees to get professional headshots. To retrieve their photos, they had to enter their email. This tactic diverted users to our signup page while providing a fantastic keepsake. The activation from this activity resulted in a 25 percent higher subscription rate than our online promotions.

Sunaree KomolchomaleeSunaree Komolchomalee
Head of Human Resources, Cupid Digital PR Agency

Gamified Legal Tech Challenges Increase Subscriptions

As a legal professional, I leveraged the power of interactive webinars to drive traffic to our email signup page. Instead of traditional CLE seminars, we created a series of “Legal Tech Challenges” where participants solved hypothetical cases using cutting-edge legal software. To access the challenges, users had to sign up via our email form. This gamified approach not only showcased our tech-savvy capabilities but also created a sense of excitement and competition among legal professionals. The results were remarkable, with a 300% increase in email signups compared to our standard newsletter promotions. Moreover, the engagement rate of these new subscribers was significantly higher, as they were already primed for interactive content. This method proved particularly effective in attracting younger lawyers and legal tech enthusiasts to our firm’s digital ecosystem.

Lee OdiernoLee Odierno
Personal Injury Lawyer, The Odierno Law Firm, P.C.

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8 Effective Strategies for Testing Different Email Sending Frequencies

8 Effective Strategies for Testing Different Email Sending Frequencies

8 Effective Strategies for Testing Different Email Sending Frequencies

In the quest to perfect email marketing strategies, we turned to eight seasoned professionals, including CEOs and Founders, for their firsthand experiences in testing email-sending frequencies. From optimizing cadence with segmented frequency tests to leveraging user feedback, discover the varied approaches and successful outcomes they’ve achieved.

  • Segmented Frequency Test Optimizes Cadence
  • Split-Test Reveals Twice-Weekly Engagement Boost
  • Methodical Testing Balances Engagement and Retention
  • Predictive Sending Increases Opens and Revenue
  • Timing Nudges to Match Conversion Patterns
  • A/B Testing Segments for Engagement Metrics
  • Continuous Testing Aligns with Customer Expectations
  • User Feedback Informs Email Frequency Strategy

Segmented Frequency Test Optimizes Cadence

We implemented a segmented frequency test to optimize our email-sending cadence. We divided our subscriber list into three groups based on engagement levels: high, medium, and low. Each group received emails at different frequencies—twice weekly, weekly, and biweekly, respectively—over a three-month period.

Our most successful outcome was with the medium-engagement group. By increasing their email frequency from biweekly to weekly, we saw a 22% increase in click-through rates and a 15% boost in conversions. Interestingly, unsubscribe rates remained stable, indicating that the increased frequency didn’t negatively impact subscriber satisfaction.

This test revealed that tailoring email frequency to engagement levels can significantly improve campaign performance. It’s crucial to find the sweet spot where you’re staying top-of-mind without overwhelming subscribers.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Split-Test Reveals Twice-Weekly Engagement Boost

As an agency, we run split-tests with every client campaign, and the results over hundreds of campaigns spell it out beyond doubt: twice-weekly emails draw more engagement than lower or higher frequencies. The variance isn’t huge, but the results are consistent in about 75% of cases.

We typically start by running campaigns weekly to split-test and optimize copy and creatives. Then we test frequencies using 1, 2, and 3 emails per week as the single variable, with all other aspects of copy and creatives remaining consistent across the three campaigns.

  • 1 per week gets the highest open rate (1pw: 29%, 2pw: 24%, 3pw: 20%).
  • 2 per week get the highest CTR and conversion rate (1pw: 10%+3%, 2pw: 12%+5%, 3pw: 8%+2%).
  • 3 per week get the highest unsubscribe rate: 1.5% (1pw: 0.5%, 2pw: 0.7%, 3pw: 1.5%).

Ben HiltonBen Hilton
Founder & Managing Director, Switch Jam Digital

Methodical Testing Balances Engagement and Retention

At our company, we use a methodical approach to test email-sending frequencies to optimize engagement without overwhelming our subscribers. Initially, we segment our audience based on their interaction levels—high, medium, and low. For each segment, we tailor the frequency of emails, starting with a baseline derived from industry standards and previous campaign data. We gradually adjust the frequency upwards or downwards in controlled intervals, closely monitoring metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates. This method allows us to find a balance that maximizes engagement while maintaining a healthy subscription rate.

One successful test involved our client in the e-commerce sector, where we experimented with sending frequency for their promotional emails. We tested three different frequencies: once a week, twice a week, and three times a week. The segment that received emails twice a week showed the highest engagement levels without any significant increase in unsubscribe rates. Sales from emails also increased by 18% in this segment compared to the others. This test was instrumental in defining our ongoing email strategy for that client, proving that optimal frequency can significantly impact campaign effectiveness and sales outcomes.

Jason HennesseyJason Hennessey
CEO, Hennessey Digital

Predictive Sending Increases Opens and Revenue

Probably the biggest lesson we’ve learned is understanding open tendencies, and I think ActiveCampaign really nails this down with predictive sending. It allows us to send not only at an optimized time (i.e., 11 AM on a Tuesday) but also when the actual contact normally opens and reads emails. This has helped us increase opens by around 10-15% on many of our client sends, even for one of our accounts with 500k sends. It’s massively improved opens and revenue from email.

Ross JenkinsRoss Jenkins
CEO, DigitalME

Timing Nudges to Match Conversion Patterns

The timing metric we do our best to hit, whenever possible, is the time between initial contact and purchase decision. We know that moving services are something that our customers plan ahead for, and we want to time our final nudges just right so that customers keep us in mind around decision time. One of the simplest metrics we use for this is simply tracking the time from when customers opt into our emails to when they eventually convert. This has helped us develop a range of conversion times, and we send nudge emails at the beginning, middle, and end of this range in order to maximize our chances without bombarding anyone.

Nick ValentinoNick Valentino
VP of Market Operations, Bellhop

A/B Testing Segments for Engagement Metrics

First and foremost, it’s crucial to have an efficient marketing tool that allows you to schedule the frequency of your emails and test their performance. By doing so, you can avoid being tagged as spam, which could significantly harm your sender reputation and deliverability rates!

A good email marketing platform should offer features such as A/B testing, analytics, and deliverability tracking. Additionally, you can track engagement metrics to fine-tune your strategies and achieve the best possible results.

For example—one successful test I conducted involved segmenting our email list based on user engagement levels. We divided our audience into three groups: highly engaged, moderately engaged, and less engaged subscribers. Each group received emails at different frequencies; the highly engaged group received emails three times a week, the moderately engaged group twice a week, and the less engaged group once a week.

After a month, we analyzed the open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates for each segment. We found that the highly engaged group maintained steady engagement metrics, while the moderately and less engaged groups showed improved open and click-through rates without significant increases in unsubscribes.

David Rubie-ToddDavid Rubie-Todd
Co-Founder & Marketing Director, Glide

Continuous Testing Aligns with Customer Expectations

We were very lucky at Gigli that we understood the importance of testing things early on when it came to marketing techniques and other brand-related changes/strategies. This meant that, when we started with our email marketing campaigns, we were very serious about testing what worked for our customers in particular and what didn’t. We found out pretty early on what frequency worked for our customers pretty much through trial and error—sending emails out at different frequencies for different (but similar) campaigns.

But we didn’t stop there.

We understand that customer needs change, especially as a business grows its audience and reputation. So, we created milestones where we run through a number of tests to ensure that our email frequency still aligns with customer expectations, or if we need to adjust things slightly.

Kam TalebiKam Talebi
CEO of Gigli, Gigli

User Feedback Informs Email Frequency Strategy

We operate a creator job board email list. Instead of using the conventional method of sending more emails and seeing what works, we opted to ask for our users’ opinions.

Our standard procedure includes sending out regular emails, which incorporate a feedback survey on frequency and timeframe.

This survey, included in every email, offers recipients the option to receive more frequent emails containing job opportunities. By engaging our audience in this manner, we enhance our click rates without the downside of getting our list removed.

Victor HsiVictor Hsi
Founder, UGC Creator

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